Doctor Allegedly Claims Patient is Pregnant Even When She Didn’t Have Sex


It’s easy to perceive authority figures like doctors, officials and even our own parents as all-knowing; after all, we grew up watching them in reel and real life performing everything with the utmost of ease. 

But it’s a mere perception that stems from our own learning difficulties. As we grow up, we slowly come to realise that not all authority figures are efficient…

And that in general, they’re just like us: pure human beings.

As such, it’s safe to assume that they are not omnipotent and that just like us…

They make mistakes. 

Doctor Allegedly Claims Patient is Pregnant Even When She Didn’t Have Sex

According to WorldOfBuzza Netizen had been experiencing pain in her stomach for almost a week and thus decided to consult a doctor. After taking a urine test, the doctor told her in no uncertain terms that she was pregnant…

Despite the Netizen’s claim that she has never had sexual intercourse before.

And to make things worse, the doctor reportedly rejected her allegation, stating that there were “many” like her who “would never admit their pregnancy”.

Well, those are certainly not the most pleasant words to hear, especially when your own sister was there beside you. 

“After enduring pain in my stomach for almost a week, I made the decision to consult with a doctor,” she wrote on Twitter. “After taking my urine for testing, the doctor said that I was pregnant.”

“I got mad and confused. I insisted that I have not had sex with any man ever and the doctor mentioned there were many like me who would never admit their pregnancy as they have to admit to have had sex.”

Checking With A Second Doctor

The Netizen then went for another check-up with a separate doctor, only to be assured that it was not a pregnancy.

Instead, she was suspected of having appendicitis.

“I went for another check-up and I was suspected of having appendicitis.

“The first doctor was the stupidest doctor I’ve ever met in my life. When I am discharged from this ward, I can’t wait to see the doctor and throw her the baby scan she gave me to her face.”

Aggrieved at the misdiagnosis and the repercussions it had caused her and her family, she visited the clinic again to meet up with the first doctor. While a ‘reunion’ did not transpire, she said that a plausible reason was given for the misdiagnosis.


“The doctor did not meet up with me, but her friend (another doctor) mentioned that her misdiagnosis may be attributed to the big number of patients she is attending to.”

And though the Netizen insisted that the doctor’s diagnosis was indeed incorrect, she ultimately decided not to pursue the matters further.

You can view the original tweet down below:

Not The Only Experience

For better or for worse, it seems that she’s not alone in her struggles.


In the comments section of the tweet, another Netizen shared her own experience of being misdiagnosed by doctors. Similarly, she was deemed to be denying her pregnancy and told that it was “common” among kids her age.

“I once had an experience like this when the nurse said that it is common for me to deny my pregnancy and said that it was common among kids my age.

“She did it in front of everyone and it was a very packed government clinic at that.”

A doctor then added his two cents to the conversation, stating that doctors should “trust” their patients and avoid “judgmental attitude and personal opinion when in consultation with patients”.

He also stated that a positive UPT does not equate to 100% pregnancy all the time.


Well, what do you know;

Just like us, even an established doctor may have a thing or two to learn too.