Woman Heard ‘Water’ in Her Ear & Eventually, Doctors Find Venomous Spider Inside Her Ear

I‘m sure you’ve heard the ‘fact’ that we swallow 8 spiders a year while we sleep.

Well, I’m here to reassure you that it’s a complete myth. Spiders will never find their way into your mouths while you sleep, so rest easy.

They might crawl into your ear and burrow into your brain, though. (Sorry)

Ear discomfort

As scary as that sounds, that’s exactly what happened to one Missouri woman.

Last Tuesday morning, Susie Torres woke up and felt some discomfort in her ear.

“I woke up Tuesday hearing a bunch of swooshing and water in my left ear. It was like when you went swimming and you have all of that water in your ear,” Torres told WDAF-TV, a local station in Kansas City.

At first, Torres thought it was the effects of an allergy shot. But when she went to the doctors, a medical assistant made a shocking discovery.

Unwelcome guest

After running out to get more help, the medical assistant said to Torres “I think you have an insect in there”.

Now, no matter what you’re seeing the doctor for, that’s a sentence you never want to hear.

She later came back and told Torres that it was a spider, just to make things more horrific.

The doctors managed to remove the creature from her ear and discovered that it was a brown recluse spider.

In case you don’t know what a brown recluse spider looks like, here’s an image to haunt your dreams.

Image: Wikimedia Commons


According to the Centers for Disease Control, this tiny spider has a bite that can cause stinging pain and severe lesions that require medical attention.

In 2015, a British man said his leg was “bursting open” after a brown recluse bit him on on a flight.

And in 2018, another man nearly lost an arm after being bitten by a brown recluse hiding in a fruit bowl in London.

This spider is basically a monster from your darkest nightmares.

Fortunately for Torres, the spider wasn’t in a bad mood and didn’t bite.

The Missouri woman isn’t taking any more chances, though.

“I went and put some cotton balls in my ears last night. I’m shaking off my clothes, and I don’t put my purse on the floor. I’m a little more cautious,” she said.

Of course, while the brown recluse spider does exist in Singapore, it’s a rarer spider. Still, I’ll be making sure my room is clean from now on.