Don’t Say BoJio: Ben & Jerry’s Core pints At 2 For $21.45 (Till 24 May)

When in doubt, just turn to ice cream. This week, you can curb all of life’s worries and troubles just by turning to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream because they will be on an irresistible offer!

This weekend will be the perfect opportunity for you to lazy around, Netflix and binge on tubs and tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

Ben & Jerry’s Core Flavour Pints Going For 2 @ $21.45 


From 18 to 24 May 2017, Ben & Jerry’s premium Core flavours will be going at two tubs  for $21.45 at Fairprice outlets for a limited time. That’s a great offer, considering the original price for two was $33! 

However, you can only get to purchase 6 tubs at a go. But it isn’t that bad if you’ve going to rope in friends for this discount. Time to have a major Ben & Jerry’s ice cream party together!

If you are already thinking of which core flavors to buy, you can check out this site for a full range of their flavours which can help you make up your mind quicker! 

Else, you can also check out the image below for more discounts happening at FairPrice this week!

Yeah, I know the image is too small for you. But you’re here for the ice-cream, aren’t you? Now, go enjoy your ice-cream.

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