MOH Will Start Grading All Drinks in S’pore from A to D by End-2022

These days, it’s not only your assignments that will be graded: even your drinks will also be graded as well.

With the Ministry of Health (MOH) latest “drink grading system”, you’ll be able to easily tell which drinks are the healthiest with just a glance.

MOH Will Start Grading All Drinks in S’pore from A to D by End-2022

From 30 December 2022, when we’ve all probably taken 20 booster jabs, all drinks will be graded with either an A, B, C or D, with A being the healthiest and D being the unhealthiest.

All drinks, including soft drinks, fruit juices and juice drinks, milk and yogurt drinks, and even instant powdered beverages, will receive a grade, specifically, “Nutri-Grade”

The drinks will also have a nutrition label specifying:

  • Energy value
  • Amounts of protein
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat
  • Total Sugar
  • Saturated Fat

D-Grade Cannot be Advertised 

Just like your failing grades, the drinks with D-grade cannot be advertised on media platforms.

However, if you were to go into a store with such drinks, they can still be advertised with posters.

Drinks graded with C or D will also be required to carry the Nutri-Grade mark on the front of the packaging. If the drinks are sold in a vending machine, in a dispenser or online, the grades will have to be displayed in a prominent manner.

In short, the grades have to be visible and not hidden at a corner, under the can or worse, in the can.

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Why the Graded Drinks?

The new changes are implemented to help consumers identify beverages lower in sugar and saturated fats. This help consumers make more informed decisions in hopes of them making healthier choices.

Additionally, they do not want the media to advertise consumer preferences on unhealthy drinks anymore. This will spur industry reformulation aka no more clickbaity drinks advertisements.

The Government Gazette has published the regulations and it will come into force a year later.

This period of time was given to help companies adapt to the new requirements and reformulate their products to a healthier version.

If these companies still refuse to put the grades on their drinks by the end of next year, they will be fined a maximum of S$1,000 if they are first-time offenders.

If they still did not learn their lesson after the first offence, they will be fined up to S$2,000.

Goodbye, sugar. You’ve been nice.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Ong Ye Kung)