Woman Bites into Glass Shard Inside a Donut from Dunkin’ Donuts Bought in AMK

Last week, everyone’s attention is on Mister Donut at Jurong Point, but it seems like Dunkin Donuts will be hogging the limelight this week.

But not for the right reason.

Woman Bites into Glass Shard Inside a Donut from Dunkin’ Donuts Bought from AMK Hub

Yesterday (20 July), a woman, whose Facebook handle is Khun Giftsy and real name is Thipjoy Napatsanan, posted her experience after buying a donut from a Dunkin’ Donuts outlet in Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange.

According to the Facebook post, after chewing on the donut, she bit into a 1cm X 1.5cm glass shard. Just for context, that’s almost the size of a key on a laptop keyboard.

Image: Facebook (Khun Giftsy)

Because of that, she cut the inside of her mouth.

But thankfully, she managed to spit it out in time, and after that, went back to outlet to confront them.

She was allegedly told to wait as the staff member spoke to the manager, but eventually, she was refunded $2.20 for the donut, and the staff also apologised to her.

However, she claimed that she felt like they were alleging that she was lying.

She then ended the post, saying that she was lucky to have spat the glass shard out in time, and worried that children might eat it and injured themselves.

In an interview with AsiaOne, she added that the manager had not believed that she was injured by the glass shard, and even requested Thipjoy  to open her mouth to show her the wound when Thipjoy requested to see a doctor.

Eventually, she did see a doctor even when the cut wasn’t very deep, and was given a medicinal mouthwash.

Director of Company That Operates Chain in Singapore Corresponds With Thipjoy Directly

Thipjoy is now currently corresponding with the director of Golden Donuts, which operates the Dunkin’ Donuts chain in Singapore, via email.

The director, Sandy Yu, apologised to Thipjoy for the incident, adding that her staff “do not think that you are lying, because you visit us often and they say you have always been pleasant.”

She then explained that they didn’t have any “glass utensils in their kitchen or stores”, and therefore need to do an urgent investigation.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Khun Giftsy)