Dunkin’ Donuts Suddenly Announced That They’ll Close All Outlets in S’pore Temporarily


It’s always a good time for a doughnut and a coffee, but you might have to look for other doughnut spots this week.

Dunkin’ Donuts suddenly announced that all of its 19 stores in Singapore will be temporarily closed, starting from 23 February.

Due To Operational Issues

The announcement was posted on Dunkin’s Facebook and Instagram pages on 22 February.

The doughnut chain wrote that the health of its customers and team is its top priority, and that stores will be closed due to operational issues.

In its comments to some concerned Facebook netizens, Dunkin said that it will be closed until further notice. It added that while there is no fixed reopening date yet, it expects the disruption to last about a week.

Image: Facebook (Dunkin’ Donuts Singapore)

The company will reach out with refund details for any customers with outstanding orders and apologised for any inconvenience caused.

This issue appears to only affect Dunkin’s branches in Singapore, as the outlets in Malaysia and America are still operating normally.

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Speculation in Facebook Comments

Of course, there was some crying over the loss of our beloved coffee and doughnuts in the comments. Singaporeans are the most serious when it comes to food after all.

However, apart from the crying emojis, there was plenty of speculation too. Many people in the comments thought that this disruption was probably due to the central kitchen staff testing positive for COVID-19.

Well, given that 26,032 people tested positive on 22 February… It does seem like a plausible explanation.

Image: Facebook (Jimmy Beany)
Image: Facebook (Lim Weijian)

Of course, many people also jumped the gun and directly wished Dunkin’s staff a quick recovery.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Dunkin’ Donuts Singapore)