There Are Now Extremely Muscular Fortune Cats for Sale for a Huat 2021

Have you ever been greeted by a small inanimate cat waving at you upon entering a store?

For the unacquainted, these little felines are called “Fortune Cats”.

Also known as Maneki Neko in Japanese, these creatures are believed to bring good luck and more importantly, fortune, to the owner.

Featured Image: Gorrilar Vector /

Well, since 2020 wasn’t kind to our bank accounts, we need a slightly more beefed-up lucky feline this year.

And now it seems that we’ve got quite a few.

There Are Now Extremely Muscular Fortune Cats for Sale for a Huat 2021

It appears that some of our Fortune Cats have been hitting the gym lately.

Determined to bring their new owners more fortune, these felines have been doing an obscene number of bicep exercises.

But only with their right hands.

Image: Facebook (ILifePost 爱生活)

These new bulky felines also seem to have done some squats, as their thighs are rather thicc too.

Image: Facebook (ILifePost 爱生活)

If your scrawny Fortune Cat just isn’t bringing in enough dough and you’re strapped for cash, this feline beefcake might do it for you.

You can also place it alongside its skinner brothers and sisters for extra luck, though they may become insecure as a result.

Available on Lazada & Shopee

So, how much is this burly fortune cat?

On Shopee, the cat costs S$62.94 for the 23cm model and S$101.45 for the 32cm one. It comes in two colours – white and gold.

Image: Shopee

You can also find a similar product on Lazada for a lower price.

Image: Lazada

So, will you be getting this as a gift for your friends?

Beckoning, Not Waving

As you know, these felines are often displayed in all sorts of places, from shops, restaurants, and bars, to pachinko parlors, dry cleaners, and even laundromats.

They are typically placed near the entrance, so they greet you as you walk in.

These days, Fortune Cats are equipped with a mechanical paw which slowly moves back and forth.

Now, when some of us see these Fortune Cats, we assume they’re waving but they’re actually beckoning, meaning they’re inviting someone or something.

Apparently, this is due to the difference in gestures and body language recognized by some cultures and the Japanese.

That’s why the Fortune Cat was originally called Maneki Neko, which means beckoning cat.

The cat is popular in Chinese and Vietnamese communities, but originated in Japan.

The feline is so popular that there’s even a Pokémon based on Maneki-neko, called Meowth.

Whether or not you believe in its powers, it’ll certainly make a cute adornment for your house or office.

Featured Image: Facebook (ILifePost 爱生活)