NTUC FairPrice Offering Refunds to All Customers Who Bought Winnie the Pooh Cooking Pot

Our beloved childhood bear, Winnie the Pooh, appears to be cracking under the pressure recently.

Winnie the Pooh voice: “Oh, bother”.

Not Once, but Twice

In light of recent reports, Fairprice’s Winnie the Pooh Ceramic Cooking Pot has broken twice now.

The first time the pot broke was back in August. A Tiktok user’s meal was foiled when the pot “exploded” while cooking a tofu dish.

@peanutbutter3009 it may be just my mum’s luck @ntucsingapore #claypotexplode #winniethepoohclaypot #ntucredemptiongift ♬ 芭比q了 – 邓家忠

In the video, the user explained that his mother was cooking dinner in the pot when it abruptly split in half. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and the food was miraculously intact as well.

The user revealed that the pot was redeemed during a Winnie the Pooh promotion at FairPrice that ran from 7 April to 20 July this year.

Since the user had used his FairPirce points to redeem the pot, it ultimately cost around half as much as it would have otherwise—with the original price at S$129.90.

He did send feedback to FairPrice afterward because he was worried that other items with similar features had the same issues. At the time, FairPrice responded to inquiries from Asiaone that the user’s experience was an isolated incident.

Well, clearly, it was no longer isolated.

The second incident happened on Wednesday (26 Oct), when a woman was horrified to see that the same pot had shattered on the stove, leaving its content to spill out.

In the post made on COMPLAINT SINGAPORE’s Facebook page, Loh posted about her unfortunate incident.

Image: Tamz Loh /Facebook

The pot appeared to be split in two in the same manner as the previous incident, with the fracture running straight through the center. She added that she had only used the pot “less than 5 times” before it broke.

Loh further shared with MS News that she typically cooks soup using the ceramic pot. On that day, she was preparing lunch when she heard strange sounds coming from the kitchen. When she stepped in to inspect the noise, she noticed “soup all over the stove and floor”.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in this incident as well.

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Offering Refunds to Customers

In response to the two incidents, FairPrice made a public apology “for the distress” their product caused to the customer.

They then announced that those who bought the Winnie the Pooh Cooking Pot (1.8L) will be able to receive a refund.

Customers who wish to return the item and receive a refund must do so at any time between October 27 and November 3, with the pot returned in its original packaging.

Don’t be too sad to part away from your Winnie the Pooh pot, because as the beloved bear once said, “The most important thing is, even when we’re apart… I’ll always be with you…”

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Featured Image: Greatdeals.sg / Tamz Loh (Facebook)