A S’pore-Style Restaurant in the US has a Very Different Type of ‘Egg Prata’

Roti Prata is one of the greatest supper choices. Whether you are a Singaporean or Malaysian, this is something that both sides can agree on in terms of food.

Most of the time when we visit our favourite prata stalls, we would order either a plain or egg prata, and speaking of egg prata, a post of Reddit’s subreddit “r/Singapore” recently trended.

It is about a “Singapore” restaurant that serves egg prata.

However, if you inspect closely, the “egg” prata looks significantly different.

“Egg” Prata not What it Looks Like

In the title of the Reddit post, the user mentions that on restaurant’s menu, the roti prata had an “add egg” option, which he thought was the traditional egg prata we would normally get.

However, when the dish came he got the shock of his life.

What came was two pieces of plain prata with a sunny side up egg sprinkled with green onions on top of it.

The dish came with curry, but that also looks very peculiar as the shade of the curry does not look quite right.

r/singapore - At a SG restaurant in the US. The roti prata had an "add egg" option. Thought i was getting roti telur but.. 😂
Image: Reddit (u/SC2_StorM)

Traditional egg pratas has an egg or two infused into the prata itself. It should look something like this:

Resep masakan asia, Rotis, Makanan enak
Image: Pinterest (Adam Huey)

Hence, maybe that’s why the user could not help but laugh at the situation that he was in.

Reddit Users’ Opinion on The Prata

Since the upload of the post, 1,900 people have upvoted the post and 200 people have given their inputs via the comment section.

One user mentioned that if one were to ever crave prata in the United States, they should head over to the supermarket instead to get instant prata.

The user goes on to explain that this is because restaurants usually overprice these simple food items and tend to get it wrong.

Another user mentions that this variation of the “egg” prata could have been created to adapt to the American’s taste buds and that the people there might prefer to eat it this way.

This is the same as how food items such as Mala Ramen was created to cater to Singaporean tastebuds.

The “curry”, the butter to the bread, received many different views from the netizens on Reddit.

Some says that it looks like ayam lemak gravy and others say that it looks like diluted mustard.

However, one comment that stood out was that the curry looks like something his newborn could produce as well; as for that something, we will leave it to you to come up with the interpretation.

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Featured Image: Reddit (u/SC2_StorM)