Fake Tiger Sugar Drinks Are Being Sold Online & At Supermarkets





All relatively appreciated notions.

All missing from this article.

Now before you misunderstand, I’ve to clarify that we are not the perpetrators here. No. Rather, it’s the topic that radiates dishonesty and deceit.

Or to be more specific, this.

Fake Tiger Sugar Drinks Are Being Sold Online & At Supermarkets

Lest you’re unaware, Tiger Sugar is popular all around the world. And like any popular trend before it, it was only a matter of time before someone tried to replicate it.

Though this time around, it’s not ChinaI think.

Now, if you’ve been frequenting online stores and/or supermarkets, you may or may not have noticed Tiger Sugar’s latest ‘offerings’: beverages and bottled drinks being marketed under the world-famous brand.

Stamped with Tiger Sugar’s trademark logo, the drinks appear to be the “DIY” sort and look for all the world like the real thing.

However, it seems that you really should not judge a book by its cover, as apparently…

They’re far from being authentic.

On 27 August, the bubble tea chain warned customers of the counterfeit products, and said that the safety of the drinks is “questionable”.

Image: Facebook (Tiger Sugar Singapore)
Image: Facebook (Tiger Sugar Singapore)
Image: Facebook (Tiger Sugar Singapore)
Image: Facebook (Tiger Sugar Singapore)

They have also reported the items to the relevant authorities and cautioned consumers to avoid the said drinks in the meantime.

“It has come to our attention that another counterfeit product is out there in the market, also selling online or at physical supermarkets.


“This has been reported to the relevant authorities. We are wary of these goods especially of its source, Tiger Sugar has no relations to these products. The health and safety of these drinks are questionable.

“Do take precautions, to avoid consumption of these counterfeit drinks.

All genuine Tiger Sugar products would have been announced on our Social Media, or sold directly from our store’s online platforms or outlets only!”

Practice Precautions

Lest you’re unaware, the scam profession has been thriving of late.


Whether it’s a Covid-19 related scam, website masquerading as a reputable source or even fake makeup products, it seems that the ongoing pandemic has only served to heighten the audacity of the scamming industry.

And yet, that is also why we should be more aware of such occurrences. Though they may still not be common, they are undeniably present…

And we should, at the very least, keep an eye out for them.

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