#FastFoodFriday: McDonald’s Choco Banana Pie Review: It’s A Good Banana Pie With No Chocolate ‘Fewling’

If you’ve been to Japan, or have some knowledge of the glorious land of the Choco Banana, you might have seen one of these things:

That, my friend, is a banana coated in chocolate and then coated in other sweet delicious things.

Editor: Oh, you’ve been to Japan and eaten them before?

Me: …No?

Image: Imgur

Editor: …Then why are you saying like you’ve tasted it?

Me (spends more time looking up random things on the internet than actually doing anything else): It doesn’t matter! What matters more than reality is your hope and dreams!

And the dreams of Choco Banana might just be fulfilled by the rocking Ronald McDonald.

Image: Giphy

With this:

Which is the all new S$1.50 Choco Banana Pie from McDonald’s.

And then opening the packe – HOLY SHIT That’s a beautiful looking crust amber-hued like the sunshine you see at the end of a dark tunnel.

Praise the colour editing?

But the question is…

Is This The Dream Combination Of Choco Pie + Banana Pie?

The best of both worlds?

Twice combined to make each other even better?


The inside reveals a 50/50 mix of a gooey chocolate filling and mashed banana.

It isn’t oozing as I had hoped for it to be, but it was an adequate amount for the pie.

But the main question is: how does it really taste?

Only one way to find out, by biting the pie and stuffing it into my pie hole.

If you’re the type of person who prefers chocolate > banana, you’re out of luck here.

The flavour of the banana easily overpowers the weak chocolate filling, which isn’t decadent enough to stand out in the pie. If you ate the chocolate filling alone, you’ll probably be quite disappointed.

If the gorilla was the chocolate. / Image: Giphy

But if you’re the type who goes bananas over bananas and like a little oomph to your fruit intakes, I think you’ll enjoy this very much.

Remember the Japanese Choco Banana? You’ll probably like this Choco Banana Pie a lot if you like that. It’s really more banana pie than choco banana pie.

The first Chocolate Pie ran out of stock pretty fast when it came out.

This certainly isn’t as hype-worthy or as good, but it’s worth a try.

Rating: 3.5/5