#FastFoodFriday: New Subway Spicy Tuna & Coconut Cookie Review: It Wouldn’t Change The Mind Of Subway Haters

I‘m not someone who eats a lot of Subway, but when I looked at the menu and found the low number of spicy items on the regular menu, it was still a little surprising.

I’m also not a fan of spicy food for the sake of being spicy, though I do appreciate the added flavours from the introduction of heat.

Image: Reddit

If you’re unfamiliar with Subway, here’s a branded content we did with them (though I should highlight that this review isn’t sponsored):

Lovers of spicy can now find Spicy Tangy Tuna available as a sub or a wrap. A new coconut cookie is also available. This limited menu is available from 8 May – 9 July 2019.

Image: Subway Singapore Facebook

And since it’s Friday, what better way to end this week with a #FastFoodFriday review of this new item?

Spicy Tangy Tuna

  • S$6.50 for 6-inch sub only
  • S$7.50 for Sub + 16oz drink
  • S$1 add-on for Coconut Cookie

A series of “Taste the Twist” tuna stickers will also be available on social media, though when I went into their Facebook and Instagram pages I didn’t see anything like that…

How It Looks

So, does it look like what you see on the Internet?

Well, here’s how it looks…

…which disappointingly looks nothing like the promotional pictures. But to be fair to Subway, I requested for all vegetables, making it a rather packed sandwich.

Parmesan Oregano was the bread, and honey mustard  + sweet onion were the options I chose for the sauces.

Initial impressions were a disappointing lack of Tuna. Ugly sandwiches are pretty much a mainstay of fast food life, and at Goody Feed we are committed to bringing you unfiltered truths and reviews.

While cutting the sandwich for a cross-section shot, pieces of the olives and pickles fell out, though I opted not to put them back into the sandwich to let you get a better view of the Tuna.

It is definitely not because I am lazy!

But Does It Taste Good?

I’m pretty happy with the taste. Although it doesn’t look like much tuna, it can be clearly tasted in every bite. The Spicy Tangy Tuna itself has a mild heat that lingers in your mouth, but with the vegetables taking off the heat, it doesn’t feel like much on your mouth.

Eating the entire sandwich only left my mouth with a pleasant warmth that quickly went away in a couple of minutes.

A light tang can be tasted, reminiscent of vinegar, but isn’t very harsh. When eaten with the other pickles and olives on the other half of the sandwich, the tang could not be tasted at all.

As for the tuna, it is creamy though not chunky. There definitely is a rather large ratio of mayonnaise (as is with the regular Tuna), but overall it is enjoyable.


But the question is, does this have the pull factor of bringing me away from my hipster Praffles or other food?

(Legend has it, a Goody Feed writer is still queuing for Praffles.)

No, not really. It is a nice addition to the Subway lineup that feels like it should be a mainstay, mainly because it feels like it should.

Slightly different from the normal Tuna sub, but different enough for a change. Subway regulars will appreciate the addition, but it wouldn’t change the mind of Subway haters.

A solid sandwich.

3.33/5. (3.5 is like, 70%, which is A- in A levels so it felt a little high. B+ or B feels more appropriate.)

We then move on to the unassuming Coconut Cookie.

It looks so plain and smells so plain, that it really doesn’t look like anything special.

Like any Subway cookie, it is sticky and doughy, giving it a soft candy-like chew. The cookie I had was crispy on the edges, giving it a nice contrast between soft and crisp.

Flavour wise, it isn’t very strongly coconut, but it is obvious enough and isn’t overly sweet. On the second bite, it might taste a little sweeter as there is a slightly sweet aftertaste to it.

Like the Spicy Tangy Tuna sub, it is a decent cookie that wouldn’t persuade and win new fans, but will probably be appreciated as a change of pace.


All in all, it’s a sandwich, a cookie and a review which nobody asked for or are excited about, but Subway did and we did anyway.