Father Beat Son & Wife Cuz Son Bought Him Non-Spicy Fishballs; Suffers Retribution From Netizens

Fathers are supposed to be there to teach you how to ride a bicycle.

How to deal with all that weird feelings during puberty.

And how to do the right things.

However, there exist some fathers in the world who shouldn’t have been a dad in the first place.

Like this man.

Violent Father Beats Up Son Because of Fishballs

Image: Facebook (聯合報)

A man in Taiwan had asked his son to get him some spicy fishballs.

When the son returned with non-spicy fishballs, he got annoyed and started scolding the son.

The son tried to explain that he had asked the boss to give him chilli, but somehow, it wasn’t in the box that he brought back.

Even when the wife tried to diffuse the situation, the man wouldn’t be placated and accused the boy of lying.

He gave him such a powerful slap the poor boy’s body flew backwards.

The mother tried to stop the man but was put into a chokehold and dragged to the living room.

Image: Facebook (聯合報)

The mother managed to get the entire incident in recording on her phone and the footage was uploaded online.

Why Don’t You Pick On Someone Your Own Size

Unsurprisingly, the video went viral and netizens found out where the man and his family live at.

A mob barged into his home to look for the father.

It was reported that the father was slapped and hit by them before the police arrived on the scene.

He was escorted by them into an ambulance and sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.

But if you’re thinking things ended there, they did not.

You Want More Chilli? Come I Give You More

Image: China Press

According to reports, a mob formed outside the hospital where the man was being treated.

Their intentions? To give him what he wants. More chilli.

A man even bought his own cooking utensils to fry the chilli in for the man.

Image: China Press

The police had to stop the mob from making their way into the hospital and force-feeding him with chillies.

In the end, the man was given out-patient treatment and escorted from the hospital by the police.

And he did not return home but stayed at a relative’s house instead.

Moral of the Story: Domestic Abuse isn’t Cool

There are many ways to feel like a big man. Domestic abuse isn’t one of them.

Because while you’ll feel like a powerful man at the moment, you’re actually nothing but a sore loser.

Oh, and if you’re a victim of domestic abuse, sometimes, you just have to prioritise your own safety (and any others you care about) over the man or woman that you love.

Like what this mother did.

And anyways, if you think that those online CSI to shame people in Singapore are bad, now you know it’s worse over in other countries.