Feeling Extremely Hot This Week? Well, Brace Yourself Coz NEA Has Bad News

In the last few days, if you’ve placed a raw egg on an unsheltered area in Singapore during the day, you can expect a hard-boiled egg within a few minutes, because unless you’ve been hiding in your air-conditioned room, you’ll know that the weather has been abnormally hot.

Well, here’s why, and you might not like what you read.

NEA just released an update yesterday: apparently, yesterday (9 January 2017), the temperate recorded at Sembawang was at a high 35.1°C at 3:00 p.m., and 34.5°C at Ang Mo Kio on Sunday.

Image: dramafever.com

This is their statement in full from the NEA website:

Singapore experienced drier and warmer weather over the weekend, with temperatures above 33°C recorded at some weather stations. The highest temperature recorded yesterday (8 Jan 2017) was 34.5°C at Ang Mo Kio. The dry weather can be attributed to moisture in our surrounding region being drawn into a low pressure system over southern Thailand, resulting in fewer clouds and warmer temperatures over Singapore.

As at 3pm today, the highest temperature recorded was 35.1°C  at Sembawang. The warm conditions are expected to ease in the next few days, with the return of localised thundery showers in the afternoon.

And for the record, the highest temperature recorded in Singapore is 36.7°C on 13 April 2016.

Like what the statement mentioned, we’re expecting the “warm conditions” for the next few days as it eases, so please do not leave your eggs outside.

But it’s okay: to make you feel better, a friend told me that you could burn a chicken wing in Sydney now if it’s left unattended. A check online revealed that it’s at 37°C, so yeah, at least we have it slightly better.

In any case, here’s the takeaway: don’t gong gong wear long-sleeved shirts or jackets out these few days, unless you’re looking to experience an outdoor sauna.

Featured Image: Freedom Man / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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