FB User Found a Hidden Weekend Flea Market in Woodlands Industrial Park

In 2017, the Sungei Road Market, Singapore’s oldest flea market, closed for good.

It was shut down to make way for the opening of Jalan Besar MRT station, as well as future residential and commercial development in the area.

Vendors were understandably disappointed with the decision, but consumers were saddened by the news as well, as there’s an old-timey feel to a flea market that you just don’t get in other shops.

Well, if you’re looking for a flea market to browse through, I may just have the thing for you.

FB User Found a Hidden Weekend Flea Market in Woodlands Industrial Park

A Facebook user claims to have found a hidden flea market in Woodlands, to the joy of shopping enthusiasts online.

Nurul Aryenti detailed her discovery in a Facebook post on Sunday (19 Dec).

Ms Nurual had stumbled upon the flea market while in Woodlands Industrial Park on Saturday (18 Dec).

Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)
Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)

When she explored the store, she found secondhand items that cost between $2 to $30.

The Market Gaia Guni includes guitars, housewares, fans, makeup products, bags, and even a humidifier, among dozens of other things.

Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)
Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)
Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)
Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)

Nurul added that you could even find a brand new item on sale in the store, but it all depends on luck, of course.

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Vendors from Sungei Market?

On a signboard at the entrance to the flea market, it says that some of the original Sungei Road Market vendors are currently selling their items at Market Gaia Guni.

And when Nurul went to the store, she noticed that all of the vendors are elderly.

“I believe they are our ‘karang gunis’, so that explains the name of the flea market,” she said.

When she spoke to them, she discovered that their rental fees came up to around $200 a month for a small area.

“I then thought to myself…how do they even earn just by selling $2-$30 items whilst having to pay $200 every month…at a place with no crowd?” she questioned.

She notes that while the items in her post may not be there anymore, there may be other items on your shopping list that you might find.

“I think that’s the fun of it, yes?” she wrote.

She encouraged netizens to come down and explore the little market, but implored them to be nice to the vendors and not to ask for discounts.

“They’re already selling them so cheap….let’s just show them our love and support, shall we?”

She also advised visitors to bring along a power bank in case they want to try out their items there. “Power supply is extremely limited there,” she said.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Nurul Aryenti)