Former Uber Driver Charged for Molesting Rider But Everyone Seems Focused on His Name

Picture this. You’re sitting beside your chartered Uber driver who shoots questionable glances at your thighs the whole journey and has a distinct itchy-finger syndrome.

I’m a guy and even I would be like

Image: Tumblr

Unfortunately, for a certain 25-year-old passenger, she didn’t get the opportunity to run before the wolf brandished its claws.

What happened?

On September 25, 2016, a woman was molested in her Uber driver’s car at Bukit Panjang MRT.

She had hailed the ride near Old Choa Chu Kang Road that evening and got Ng Chee Hong, the pilot of a Honda Vezel, as her driver.

She was instructed to sit at the front because of another passenger Ng was picking up, and she complied.

After the subsequent passenger was picked up and dropped off, Ng started driving towards the woman’s destination, Bukit Panjang MRT.

Once they arrived, the victim reached to unbuckle her seat belt when she felt something on her right thigh.

Turning her head, she saw Ng’s left hand stroking her thigh.

Furious but clueless on what to do, she alighted and filed a police report.


If you’re not familiar with this term, don’t worry, because I’m with you.

Apparently, it’s a mental disorder whereby a person has recurrent and strong urges to touch or rub a non-consenting person.

And Ng reportedly has it.

Because of that, he’s walking away with 18 months’ probation, after his lawyer and a probation officer have both recommended it. The sentence was issued on 4 September 2017, just yesterday.

Ng’s parents have been bonded for $5,000 each to make sure he behaves and he has to be indoors between 10 pm and 6 am, aside from receiving treatment at IMH.

The Prosecution wants justice

The prosecution is seeking a jail term of at least eight weeks. According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Wong, this was necessary to warn public transport providers NOT to have wiry thoughts about their passengers.

There is growing prevalence in the use of online ride-booking apps and ride-sharing apps like Uber and Grab. The drivers of these vehicles should be treated no differently from taxi drivers, who similarly provide a public transport service.”

For outrage of modesty, Ng could have faced up to two years in jail, a fine, caning or combined.


Netizens, as always, were eager to participate in the discussion. Some were critical of the given sentence.

Image: Straits Times Facebook Page

While some had other more ‘important’ things to prioritize.

Image: Straits Times Facebook Page
Image: Straits Times Facebook Page

For those who are still confused, here’s what Chee Hong means in urbandictionary:

“It is used to describe someone who is running with the wind in his sexual pursuit of women (chicken).”

Basically, a pervert.


Personally, I feel that the mental illness is kinda ‘convenient’. Either that or I’ve been watching too many courtroom dramas.

It wasn’t just the physical contact; there was mental trauma too.

We always hear, “Don’t give them a reason to do it.” Maybe we should back it up with “Don’t give them a chance to get away with it.”

What about you? Should Ng get a harsher sentence? Or do you believe that he was genuinely unsound at the time of the incident?

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