This Friday (19 May), You Can Make a New Friend With Tinder Via GrabShare! (11am – 4pm)

Last Updated on 2017-05-16 , 8:07 pm

If you’ve been trying Tinder for a few months and haven’t had any luck with a special someone, it might be a good idea to try the app again this Friday!

Not only will you get to go on a real-life Tinder date with a social media personality, you can even take the Grab ride FOR FREE! 

On Friday, 19th May 2017 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., simply select the Tinder icon on your Grab app and you might just end up on a ride with one of them!

Plus, you can even stand a chance to win an all-expense paid curated outing together with one of the social media celebrities on the 21 May 2017!

Some of these social media personalities include Ben Tang and Victoria Cheng! Not bad, huh? But please, even though you might be a huge fan, don’t start spilling all your stalker secrets when you see them in real life, ya! 

However, do note that this ride will be filmed. So, if you’re camera-shy, it’s best if you don’t participate in this! 

Here’s how you can redeem the special ride!

  • Open your Grab app and book a ride on the Tinder icon between 11am to 4pm on 19th May 2017.
  • Enter your pick-up and drop off location
  • If you’re lucky, you’ll be sharing a ride with one of Tinder’s favourite personalities!

Terms & Conditions Apply:

  • Only one passenger will be allowed per booking for this campaign.
  • Due to limited number of cars, there is no guarantee that everyone will be able to get a ride.
  • Tinder personalities are assigned to rides at random, no selection required.
  • This campaign will be filmed. By participating, you are giving consent to being filmed for content that Grab and Tinder may publish.
  • Passengers may be contacted and asked to attend an all-expense paid outing with their match on 21 May 2017.
  • By participating, you are giving consent to being contacted by Grab. 

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