65YO Woman Hospitalised After Gas Stove Exploded in CCK Food Stall

Earlier this year, a horrific accident occurred at Choa Chu Kang when a gas stove at a cai png stall exploded.

As a result of the explosion, a 65-year-old employee of the stall ended up catching on fire.


The employee, a lady named Mrs Ye (Hanyu pinyin), ended up being engulfed in flames after her shirt caught on fire.

She ended up suffering burns to around 25% of her body and has been in recovery ever since.

Here’s what happened and what she has to say.

What Happened

On 6 January this year, the gas stove at a coffee shop located at the void deck of Block 429A Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 exploded at around 8 am.

When speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Mrs Ye, a cai png stall assistant, recalled how she had just turned on the gas stove before the explosion as she had intended to cook rice.

However, the gas stove suddenly exploded when she turned around to retrieve the rice.

This caused the back of her shirt to catch fire, and the fire soon spread to the plastic gloves and rain boots that she was wearing as well.

The fire also burned her face.

Mrs Ye added that she ran out of the stall while engulfed in flames and that many members of the public were shocked after seeing her in that state.

Thankfully, someone was able to help put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.

The police were called as well.

At that point in time, Mrs Ye thought that she “would be dead for sure” and said that she experienced pain throughout her entire body.

After the incident, Mrs Ye was sent to the hospital.

Doctors also started operating on her on the day of the incident.

Thanked Family Members, Employers and Colleagues for Their Support Through the Pain

Mrs Ye also mentioned that she broke down after waking up from her operation as all four of her limbs were bandaged.

She recounted that she cried all the time due to how her entire body was constantly in pain. She required injections and antibiotics every day as well.

Apart from that, she was also unable to turn over or get out of bed easily due to the burns on her back.

As for how she managed to come to terms with reality, Mrs Ye said that she could not have done it without the unwavering support from her family members, employers and colleagues.

Will Take Two Years to Fully Recover; Her Company is Paying for Her Medical Fees

Additionally, Mrs Ye revealed that doctors told her that 25% of her body is covered in burns.

According to the doctors, it will take her two years to fully recover.

Currently, her workplace is paying for her medical fees. Mrs Ye also thanked her company for supporting the cost of all of her medical treatments.

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However, she has yet to receive any compensation and has no source of income now as her husband is retired.

According to Mrs Ye, even though her daughter offers them financial support to some extent, she and her husband still have to live off the money from their Central Provident Fund (CPF) accounts and pensions.