German Woman Wants To Marry Boeing 737-800 Airplane; Says It’s ‘Sexy’

Love doesn’t discriminate.

You can fall in love with absolutely anyone, regardless of race, language, or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality so as to achieve- oh, wait a second. Freudian slip.

As I was saying, you can’t choose who you fall in love with.

You might meet a person with completely different political views, but find them captivating and attractive.

You might meet someone from a different country who speaks a completely different language, but you fall for their adorable face and personality.

You could also fall in love with an airplane with sexy wings, because touching it gets you aroused.

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Reader: Wait what?


German Woman Wants To Marry Boeing 737-800 Airplane

As the ridiculous headline states, a woman in Germany wants to marry a Boeing 737-800 airplane.

Image: Facebook (Michèle Köbke)

The woman, Michele Kobke, says that she finds the airplane “beautifully built” and “sexy”, and that she gets “sweaty palms” when she strokes his wings.

Image: Giphy

She also cuddles and sleeps with him every night, because she just can’t get enough.

If you’re not an aviation enthusiast, you may not know what a Boeing 737-800 looks like. Here it is:

Image: LuxAir

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Damn, that woman was right. That cockpit can turn on my engine anytime. 

You’re probably also wondering how the hell this woman cuddles with this giant aircraft in her tiny bed.

Well, she has a miniature model at home.

Image: YouTube (Barcroft TV)


So, why does this woman love a freaking aircraft?


Kobke explains that she has Objectophilia, a form of sexual or romantic attraction to particular inanimate objects.

As our beloved Wikipedia explains, individuals with Objectophilia may have strong feelings of love and commitment to certain objects, which may be emotional, sexual, or both.

This explains why she loves airplanes and wants to marry one of them and live together in the hangar.

Oh Okay I Understand Will Ferrell GIF
Image: Giphy

Not easy

However, as Kobke says, a relationship with an airplane isn’t easy.

She feels like the miniature model is not as good as the real thing, and she’s sad that she can only meet the love of her life when she flies.

Image: Facebook (Michèle Köbke)

They’re basically doing long-distance, which many of us can empathize with, right?

Kobke fell in love with her inanimate partner when she boarded him in early 2014, and it was love at first sight.

Image: Facebook (Michèle Köbke)

Many of us may not be able to understand Kobke’s romantic feelings for the Boeing 737-800, but we all know what it’s like to fall in love.

So, Goody Feed hopes that she’ll get to marry her Boeing bae and live happily after.

Goodybye, and we’ll see you in the next episode of What The F*ck Even Is The Internet.