Girl Falls 2,000 Metres To Her Death Off A Cliff While Trying To Take A Selfie


Back in 2015, we wrote about the number of people who died taking a selfie. It was so bad that governments across the world are concerned about it.

Like Russia.

selfie 1

And now, four years on from 2015, selfie deaths are still happening around the world. Like what happened to this girl in China.

Girl Falls Off Cliff To Her Death

When you’re on a vacation, one thing that you cannot forget to do is to take photos.

Because NPNT (no photo no talk), right?

A university student, identified as Deng, obviously felt the same way.

Image: Oriental Daily

She was at the observation deck of the Hua Shan scenic area in China and took plenty of photos at the location.

And because it’s 2019, where you can basically upload anything onto the internet from anywhere, she was uploading the photos to her social media and chatting with her friends at the same time.

But later on in the afternoon, she stopped responding to her friends’ texts.

Worried, they, her university and her family tried to get into contact with her.

However, when they failed to reach her, they got in touch with the authorities for help.

The Hua Shan authorities were eventually alerted and decide to check the CCTV footage.

And that was when they realised that she had fallen off the cliff.

The Moment Of The Fall

Her final moments were captured on CCTV, and it seemed like she was trying to take a selfie when she fell.

At the time of the incident, there were five tourists and two staff members at the observation deck.

The tourists were taking photos and enjoying the scenery and Deng was seen standing at the edge of the cliff.


She took a step backwards and fell from the edge of the top of the mountain.

There were guardrails present at the observation deck but they were less than half the height of an adult.

Image: Oriental Daily

Owners Say “Not Their Fault”

As with any grieving family, her family blamed the management of the attraction because their guard rails were not tall enough to prevent such accidents from happening.

They wanted the management to take full responsibilities but was rebuffed.

The owner countered that she fell off the cliff because she was trying to take a selfie and lost her balance.


With that said, the owner added that she will still provide 40,000 yuan (~S$7,700) as humanitarian aid to the family.

With that said, remember, while taking pictures and uploading them onto sites like Instagram, Facebook or TikTok is important, your life is even more valuable.

So take your selfies, but make sure to be around to enjoy them after, yeah?