Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Fleeing to S’pore Via Private Aircraft After Security Concerns in SIA Flight

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably know about the Sri Lanka situation.

If not, here’s a summary: the island country in South Asia is currently in its worst economic crisis, and people aren’t happy with the Government— in particular, its president, 73-year-old Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The crisis has been ongoing since 2019, and it got worse due to COVID-19.

There had been protests in the country, but shit finally hit the fan last week when protestors managed to break into government buildings and even into Rajapaksa’s residence.

He fled his official residence and last weekend, he said that he was going to resign.

Initially, it was unknown where he had gone to, but yesterday, it was reported that he was in Maldives after he was reportedly being blocked from leaving his own country by his own immigration staff.

Some Maldivians protested as well, urging their government to send Rajapaksa back to Sri Lanka.

And it leads to today.

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Fleeing to S’pore Via Private Aircraft After Security Concerns in SIA Flight

Initially, Rajapaksa’s plan was to board a Singapore Airlines flight this morning (14 July) to Singapore from Maldives.

Yup, one can only wonder if any of us would head to Hong Lim Park.

It was reported that once he was in Singapore, he would officially send in his resignation.

However, a later report started that Rajapaksa and his wife did not depart for Singapore on a scheduled Singapore Airlines flight from the Maldives capital of Male.

Instead, they would be taking a private plane to Singapore. It’s unknown when the plane will fly—or if it has landed here in Singapore.

According to sources from Maldives, they had changed their plan “due to security concerns”.

But that’s not all: another report later stated that a private plane has landed in Male for his flight, but he had allegedly left the country via a Saudi airlines flight.

Which begs the question: Where’s Rajapaksa? Is he in Singapore?

Well, at least now we know that Boris Johnson is a rather brave soul after all.

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Featured Image: Nikkei Asia