Mister Donut Coming to Jurong Point for a Month from 15 July

We Singaporeans love our donuts; just take a walk at the basement of every shopping mall and you’d see at least one donut shop.

The most common ones are Dunkin’ Donuts, Krispy Kreme and J.CO.

These chains have a large fan base overseas before setting up store in Singapore: both Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme are from the US, and each have over 1,200 outlets worldwide. J.CO is from Indonesia and it currently has over 275 outlets in Asia.

Suffice to say, should a donut chain set up shop here in Singapore, it’s been proven to be a hit.

And now, one more chain is coming: Mister Donut

Mister Donut Coming to Jurong Point for a Month from 15 July

If you’ve been to Jurong Point, you’d know that right at the basement, there’s a long stretch of eateries that sell just Japanese food.

A new shop is joining them come 15 July: Mister Donut

The highly popular chain, which was originally from the US but is now more associated with Japan (more on that later), has over 5,500 shops worldwide, making it the largest donut chains in the world.

Its specialty is, of course, donuts, but it does sell other items such as muffins, cookies, brownies, pastry, hot and cold drinks, juices and sandwiches.

It’s unknown what would be sold in the Singapore outlet, though.

The stall, however, isn’t a permanent fixture (yet): instead, it’ll be a pop-up stall for a month.

Unlike other donut chains, Mister Donut is also popular for its odd-shaped donuts. I mean, take a look here:

Image: Instagram (misterdonut_taiwan)

Netizens are asking if they can pre-order, but there hasn’t been any updates. This means you’d need to head to Jurong Point early if not they might be sold out when you’re here.

WAttention Plaza, the name of the stretch of eateries, has just provided a list of what donuts are available:

  1. Pon De Ring  ポン・デ・リング
  2. Pon De Ring Strawberry  ポン・デ・ストロベリー
  3. French Cruller  フレンチクルーラー
  4. Angel French  エンゼルフレンチ
  5. Old Fashion  オールドファッション
  6. Chocolate Fashion  チョコファッション
  7. Chocolate  チョコレート
  8. Double Chocolate  ダブルチョコレート
  9. Golden Chocolate  ゴールデンチョコレート
  10. Coconut Chocolate  ココナツチョコレート
  11. Honey Dip  ハニーディップ
  12. Sugar Raised  シュガーレイズド
  13. Chocolate Ring  チョコリング
  14. Strawberry Ring  ストロベリーリング
  15. Angel Cream  エンゼルクリーム
  16. Custard Cream  カスタードクリーム

Here are a few images to whet your appetite:

Image: Facebook (WAttention Plaza)
Image: Facebook (WAttention Plaza)
Image: Facebook (WAttention Plaza)
Image: Facebook (WAttention Plaza)

While most people associate Dunkin’ Donuts to the US and Mister Donut to Japan, both are actually founded in the US, and by two relatives.

In 1955, Harry Winokur worked with brother-in-law Bill Rosenberg, who founded Mister Donuts.

However, Winokur started Mister Donut after breaking off the partnership with Rosenberg, and both become competitors.

Both expanded rapidly, and were acquired by bigger firms, with Mister Donut expanding more rapidly in Japan while Dunkin’ Donuts in the US.

But alas: through a series of acquisitions, both brands are now under the same parent company now, through the franchisee in each country could be different, of course.

For now, all you need to know is that if you love Dunkin Donuts, you’d love Mister Donuts.

Actually, who doesn’t love donuts?

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Featured Image: Facebook (WAttention Plaza)