Grab Driver Volunteered to Send Injured Kid & Worried Parent to Hospital for Free

We can find kindness in the most unexpected of places – sometimes even in a Grab car.

Grab drivers usually just take us to places we need to get to, but some of them really go the extra mile.

Be it having sweets and chargers in their car for riders to use for free or bestowing you with wise words about life, little things like these that Grab drivers do can really make someone’s day better.

And one such Grab driver just proved to be a man with a good heart.

A Kind Deed

Image: Facebook/米克

According to a man named Mike (米克) on a Facebook post he wrote, his son had fallen down in school and hit his head, so he had to apply for urgent leave in order to take his son to the doctors.

Grab driver Ang Bock Seng happened to answer Mike’s urgent call for a Grab to his son’s school, and started a conversation with him just as most friendly Grab drivers do.

Mr Ang then got to know about Mike’s situation of needing to rush his son to the hospital after picking him up, and, bless his kind soul, offered to send both Mike and his son to the hospital without needing to call for another Grab.

With no extra fee.

Aww, how sweet of him!

Mike wanted to pay Mr Ang for the extra trip, but was turned down by Mr Ang, who did it out of his own goodwill.

“Good people will always have good returns… thank you…” wrote Mike in Chinese.

He also included a screenshot of Mr Ang’s Grab profile details in his post, in which he gave him a well-deserved 5-star rating for his kind deed.

Image: Facebook/米克

Faith in humanity restored.

We salute you, Mr Ang Bock Seng!

GIF: mysummercapital

It feels very heartwarming to see kind deeds like these happening in Singapore, doesn’t it? :’)


Singapore – a kind nation?

Singaporeans are still generally positive about the state of kindness and graciousness here, according to the Graciousness Survey 2018 commissioned by the Singapore Kindness Movement.

Yay, we have hope!


Hopefully, that means that we’ll be seeing more cases of graciousness in our little island home, much like what Mr Ang did.

A little bit can go a long way, so let’s keep that in mind the next time whenever we can make the choice to be a little kinder.

(Hopefully my boss’s reading this. He’s one of the most unkind human beings in the world)