Man Charged for Grabbing at Gun of Auxiliary Police Officer Abraham Lincoln at CGH

Here’s a fun fact: trying to seize the gun from a police officer is not a good idea, despite it clearly seeming like one.

Man Tries to Grab Auxiliary Officer’s Gun

On 4 August, 40-year-old Goh Chuan Chong didn’t get the memo apparently. While at Changi General Hospital (CGH), he encountered a Certis auxiliary police officer at around 5:40 pm.

Image: Facebook (@Certis)

Auxiliary police officers are essentially private cops hired by companies with some degree of policing power, meant to provide security for their clients.

Goh reached out to grab the auxiliary officer’s service revolver, holstered on his utility belt.

The officer’s name was revealed to be Abraham Lincoln.

No, really.

Mr Lincoln and another Certis auxiliary officer were responding to a request for security at CGH at the time. It is not reported if he was wearing a top hat at the time.

Image: Changi General Hospital

That was when Goh allegedly tried to grab the gun from Mr Abraham Lincoln but failed, which is fortunate as people with that name don’t have the best luck when it comes to firearms.

Certis Cisco said that Mr Lincoln had followed firearm safety protocols in the incident and that the police were still investigating. Nobody was hurt.

Alleged Offender Charged in Court

Unsurprisingly, Goh was promptly arrested and charged in court on 6 August with an attempt to unlawfully possess an arm.

That means firearms, missiles, bombs, and the like, not that he had unlawfully possessed human arms.

The crime is fairly serious and first-time offenders can get a prison sentence of between five to ten years and a mandatory six strokes of the cane or above.

That’s what happens when you try to mess with a former US President.

Goh has been remanded at the Institute for Mental Health (IMH) for examination.

This isn’t the only firearm-related incident involving Certis auxiliary police, although, unlike the following examples, Mr Lincoln allegedly wasn’t at fault.

In 2022, an officer intentionally fired a shot in Harbourfront Centre shopping mall while he thought about his finances. Well, fair enough.

In May this year, a Certis auxiliary police officer failed to turn in his loaded gun and was arrested with it at Bugis+ shopping centre.