Haw Par Villa Having an Interactive Horror 十殿阎罗 This Weekend (28 – 29 Oct)

Now tell me, what do you think of when you think of Haw Par Villa?

For me, it’s scary. I remember my mum telling me that my family and I were there once (?) when I was much younger to take photos and what not. But I cannot imagine myself posing with the scary-looking dragons leh.

But since it’s the last weekend to celebrate Halloween, maybe I might consider visiting Haw Par Villa.

Well, not because it’s rumored to be haunted but because there’s actually something interesting there this weekend!

Here’s what to expect over the 2-day event – Noise Invasion Festival – from 28 to 29 October.

I heard that there will be guided tours, a carnival, an interactive horror play at the eerie “10 Courts Of Hell”, among others.

For those who might not be familiar with the “10 Courts of Hell” (including myself, I’ll be completely honest with you), it’s actually known as 十殿阎罗 (shi dian yan luo) in Chinese after some research.

Though most of us are probably more familiar with the term 十八层地狱 (shi ba ceng di yu), or the “Eighteen Levels of Hell”.

But anyhow, these are the “10 Courts of Hell” you can experience over at Haw Par Villa, not forgetting the interactive horror play specially staged for this weekend.

I don’t know how how interactive it will be. I don’t really want to experience burning in hell…

Anyway, here is a quick rundown.

Court 1: The Court of King Qinguang (秦廣王)

Where your soul will be judged.

Image: owlcation.com

Court 2: The Court of King Chujiang (楚江王)

Robbers and the physically violent will be burned alive.

Image: owlcation.com

While corrupted officers, burglars and compulsive gamblers will be treated right at the other end of the spectrum – into an icy place to freeze to death.

Image: owlcation.com

Court 3: The Court of King Songdi (宋帝王)

Here, drug addicts and traffickers will be locked to piping hot copper pillars to be grilled alive.

Image: owlcation.com

And if you notice right next to it, it’s where the ungrateful and those who had escaped from prison will be punished – having their hearts ripped out.

Very violent indeed, but only the 3rd court. 7 more to go.

Court 4: The Court of King Wuguan (五官王)

King Wuguan owns a huge mortar and this is where people who avoids tax or rent will be pounded by it.

Image: owlcation.com

And that’s not all. He owns a immense grindstone too.

Court 5: The Court of King Yanluo (阎罗王)

Ah, this name rings a bell. King Yanluo deals with the root of all men’s evil: money. So loansharks will end up on the mountain of knifes (dao shan, 刀山).

Image: owlcation.com

Court 6: The Court of King Biancheng (汴诚王)

Those who have indulged in pornography will be chopped in half.

Image: owlcation.com

Foul-mouths, cheaters and kidnappers, you’re not spared from the Tree of Knives.

Image: owlcation.com

Court 7: The Court of King Taishan (泰山王)

Woo. I like this. Those who speak (or type) with no mercy, you will end up here with your tongues slowly tugged out.

Image: owlcation.com

Court 8: The Court of King Dushi (都市王)

And if tongues being forcefully removed weren’t enough, you might ‘stand a chance’ to get your abdomens split and intestines pulled out.

Don’t worry, only for those who didn’t treat papa and mama well.

Court 9: The Court of King Pingdeng (平等王)

“Ping deng” itself means equality in Chinese. So for those who have not treated others the way you hope for them to treat you, this is waiting for you.

Image: owlcation.com

Court 10: The Court of King Lunhui (轮回王)

And here’s the conclusion. Like the revelation for your next life.

Under the laws of karma, evildoers are reincarnated into beasts. Those who might be ‘lucky’ enough to be reincarnated into humans, you will lead pathetic lives. Not a good thing after all.

Image: owlcation.com

And that was the summary for the “10 Courts of Hell”… which I don’t know how to go through for Halloween tomorrow.

I might have pulled out if not for the live performances by musicians such as Sam Rui, Wicked AuraAmateur Takes Control, and dancers from Recognize! Studios at the theme park’s Signature Pond.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

So for those who are afraid but still want to go because YOLO or FOMO, you know where to head to.

Scaredy cats like me can consider something more artsy? Street artists Slac Satu and Freaky Fir will be working on a 7m-long mural and are invited to join!

And what’s Halloween without playing dress-up? Compared to HHN7 where you can’t put on your fancy Halloween outfits, you can unleash your passion at Haw Par Villa! If it’s catchy enough, you might even win yourself a hotel staycation.

There’s also a treasure hunt, a food street, an arts and lifestyle market, and various workshops. Omg, so many things how to finish from 6pm to 10.30pm?

Ah! No wonder it’s held over two days. Now, you don’t have an excuse to say you are bored this weekend. 😉

You can find more details here and here. Catch you tomorrow evening!

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Image: owlcation.com