Hwa Chong Counsellor Who Gave Anti-LGBTQ Presentation Has Been Suspended of All Duties

Remember that Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) counsellor who decided to put anti-LGBTQ slides in a sexuality education talk?

Well, the man got what was due to him, because he has been suspended from all duties while the school board is conducting its investigation.

After the counsellor gave the presentation which contained discriminatory content against the LGBTQ to the Secondary 4 cohort on 13 July, the school has been looking out for students who may be affected.

According to a written reply from Education Minister Chan Chun Sing, the teachers of HCI have been monitoring the students’ physical and mental health, and students who have concerns or need support have been encouraged to seek out the school leaders or a trusted adult.

Prior to this, the counsellor was only suspended from conducting sexuality education lessons, with HCI stating the presentation content was not vetted by the school and that the content wasn’t a reflection of the counsellor’s character.

Non-Constituency MP Hazel Poa must have seen the long chain of sarcastic remarks and calls for action or heard some complaints, because she asked what duties the counsellor is continuing and whether precautionary measures will be put in place to prevent a recurrence of such incidents.

During the same Tuesday Parliament session (2 Aug), Mr Xie Yao Quan from the Jurong GRC asked if the Ministry of Education (MOE) is aware of any students requiring help, and when the expected date of completion for the investigations will be.

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In his response, Mr Chan elaborated that parents and students have been reassured that the views expressed by the counsellor do not reflect those of HCI.

Sure, it doesn’t reflect on HCI much, what with the lenient consequences that the counsellor had to bear for his transgression.

Mr Chan added that the school has also stressed on the importance of respect and care for every person in the school community.

HCI is currently reviewing its curriculum to ensure that it aligns with MOE’s standards and guidelines. 

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