The Heartwarming Story of a Man Who Works As a Labourer to Save His Brother’s Life

Look at the image below. It looks like a normal guy working hard at a construction site, right?


But wait till you hear the heartbreaking story behind the picture, you’ll cry for him too.

But here’s a bit of spoiler: there’s a happy ending 😉 Here is his story.

His Name is Ma, A Loving Brother


19-year-old Ma, a high school student, lives in a poor village in Hubei province, China. 

His family’s financial situation wasn’t all that great to start with, but then, their worst nightmare came true when his 3-year-old brother was diagnosed with leukemia. 


What will you do in this situation? Scream about unfairness and just cry? Sit there feeling helpless and stew in anger?

Not Ma, though.

He decided that he will become a doctor so that he can cure his brother.


He sat down and mugged for his final exams and manage to score 456 points – which is a lot.


But that’s not all he did.

His brother needed money to perform a bone marrow transplant. And he’s going to make sure his brother gets the money.

The day after his final exam, he made his way to a nearby construction site to work as a construction worker.


Piling bricks, carrying them, digging through the sand; he’ll do everything for a wage of 100 yuan per day (approximately SGD$20).

But thankfully something happened that changed his life. Remember, I said there’s a happy ending.

A local media found out about his situation and decide to write an article for him. In 24 hours, the article has been viewed more than 3.1 million times and the public donated enough money for his 3-year-old brother to undergo the bone marrow transplant operation. 


When Ma found out about this, he immediately broke into tears at the construction site, saying, “Finally, my little brother can be saved!”

See, a happy ending.

Now keep this story in mind whenever you meet with any difficulties because all obstacles can be crossed: the only question is how you’ll do it.

Don’t take this as a sign that you must start crowdfunding for everything though.

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