Here are the reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio’s win is taking the Internet by storm

Last Updated on 2016-05-18 , 4:52 pm

Near, far, wherever you are, you’ve probably heard yesterday’s Big News–

Leonardo DiCaprio’s (finally) won an Oscar. And no, it wasn’t a dream (if you get my drift).

Here are the reasons why Leo’s win caused the Internet to erupt.

1. Leonardo (i repeat), has finally won an Oscar.
I guess it’s sixth time the charm. DiCaprio has been nominated 6 times for an Oscar– once for Best Supporting Actor, once for Best Picture (as a producer) and four times for Best Actor. And for some reason, most people take this as one of the gravest miscarriages of justice in the history of the Academy Awards. Now all these people can carry on with their lives in peace… Justice is served, at last?

2. He’s very meme-orable.
Yesterday, as news of his win travelled, I found myself scrolling feverishly through Twitter. My goodness, some of the memes of DiCaprio out there are hi-la-rious! I’m sure you’ve seen some of them– Leo hugging an Oscar instead of Kate Winslet, lots of bears (I guess we couldn’t bear to see him lose out on another Oscar), spinning tops from Inception, Steve Harvey and… how did Lionel Messi even get into the picture? (Oh right, Leo Messi here I guess.) Well, I guess a flood of DiCaprio’s face on our timelines isn’t something we mind, right?

3. His speech.
In his Twitter bio, he describes himself “actor and environmentalist”. As he held on to his acting award, he didn’t forget about his environmental pursuits.

In his speech, he said, “Making The Revenant was about man’s relationship with the natural world. A world that we collectively felt in 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history. Our production team needed to go to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow; climate change is real, and it’s happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity; and for the indigenous people of the world; for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who will be most affected by this; for our children’s children; and for all the people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.” He ended powerfully, “Let us not take this planet for granted; I do not take tonight for granted.”

Once again, Congratulations Leo. You bear-ter go celebrate.