Here’s What Has Happened Since The Wrong Person Was Accused In The Toa Payoh Bullying Incident

I’m sure you all remember the incident at a hawker centre in Toa Payoh, where a couple bullied an old man over sharing seats. The incident quickly got viral after an eyewitness video on Facebook, and sparked a witch hunt for the identities of the couple.

All the details you might have missed can be found here.

As of today, there are some updates to the incident.

Daughter of Old Man Took to Social Media to Vent Her Frustrations

On Monday, 24 April, the daughter of the old man who was bullied spoke up on Facebook to address the incident.

Image: Facebook

She noted that her father never once mentioned the incident after that day, due to his belief that nothing would be done about it, and nobody would even believe him. It made her realise the sort of treatment that many senior citizens might have been facing, and wonder how many of those incidents might have went unnoticed because of this.

Couple In The Video Identified And Arrested

Fortunately, the police managed to identify and arrest the couple in question just one day later, on Tuesday, 25 April.

The police arrested a 46-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman for causing public nuisance. Further investigations are ongoing. If charged for public nuisance, offenders may be fined up to $1,000.

Punishment For The Offence ‘Too Light’

Netizens have reacted to this update, and some consider the possible punishment as too light for what might have happened. If the old man had not managed to catch himself with the table and fell, things would have been much worse.

The online petition for civil action against the couple and to raise awareness for respect towards the elderly have already reached more than 8,000 signatures, just less than 2,000 below the 10,000-signature completion mark.

Our pioneer generation helped build our country to where it is now, and deserves at least some basic respect. We should not condone such barbaric actions at all.

Since you’re here, why not check out Goody Feed’s YouTube videos as well? They’re so Singaporean, I bet you’ll like them!

Featured Image: Facebook

This article was first published on

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