Here’s What Your Fortunes Will Be Like This Pig Year According To Your Zodiac Sign

We’re all suckers for fortune-telling excerpts, and I’m no different. In fact, just yesterday, I was reading this excerpt inscribed on a side of this ceremonial statue (that was evidently constructed for the occasion).

“Hey, what does it say for pigs? That’s your year right?” prettygirl99 asked me.

“Hmm… it says pigs are gonna have a good year,” I mumbled. Something else caught my eye, but I’m trying not to look.

“Well that’s good, isn’t it?” she quipped. “Hmm, what’s under the romance section? Let me see-”

She paused. I paused.

“It’s a good year to get married,” she slowly read. She looked at me expectantly, before going, “Nah it’s way too early.”

And as she walked away, I stayed behind a little bit to glare at the statue. I’m watching you, I mouthed to it.

But hey, no matter how luck swivels, you’re still inclined to look.

That’s probably why you clicked on this article, right? 😉

Fortunes for 2019

To make things more convenient both for the reader and myself, I shall go through the zodiac signs by chronological order; with five primary sections highlighting their fortune for the year:

  • Career
  • Wealth
  • Romance
  • Health
  • General fortune

Take note that I’m not the one drafting up these fortune indicators; online website Chinese Fortune Calendar is. So you can rest assured about the validity of the predictions.

I guess.

But enough talking, for the time has come…

To announce your luck for the year.

Rat (2008, 1996…)

Image: Artisticco /

Known as the brainiacs of the group, Rats are famed for being agile, quick-witted and particularly adept at learning.

But how will they square up against the pig in the year 2019? Let’s find out.


Career-wise, it might be a good year for Rats. Being a quick learner, it’ll be relatively easy for Rats to resolve the problems in their careers. Plus, the year of the Pig will be kind to their career development, aiding it and helping Rats achieve better career prospects.

Just try not to go against a Pig in the business industry, for it will be a tough fight for you this year. Partner-wise, however, Pigs are possibly the best candidates for the job.


Your money luck won’t be exceptional this year. Neither will it be terrible. As it is, it’s just fair.

Try not to loan money to your relatives and friends unless absolutely necessary, and avoid risky investments without proper homework.


Expect an influx of dating prospects/ opportunities, for this might be the year Rats finally get laid. Dating, hangout, errand and travelling activities will all increase, reasonably boosting your chances this 2019.

However, do be prepared for competitors in love, and remember not to push people into a relationship. Have patience and stake out for the best opportunity.

If you’re in love or married, try to avoid too many social entertainment outlets, and spend more time with your lover. Treasure your relationship, and always express your respect and appreciation.


Pay attention to your kidneys, bladder, urinary system as well as your heart, blood and cardiovascular system. Try to experience more outdoor activities under sunshine. Walking, hiking, jogging, cycling, sunbathing, gardening, bird-watching and fruit-picking are all great outdoor events you can embark on.

General Fortune:

All in all, you can expect to have good people and loving relationships this Pig year. Career-wise, it’s but fair. You might incur more monthly expenses than before, and can’t save as much money.

Rating: 5/10

Cow (2009, 1997…)

Image: Artisticco /

Generally steady, independent, responsible, conservative, quiet and inflexible in personalities, cows, which leads to the all-important question:

How do they match up in the year of the Pig?


Cows can expect good career luck this Pig year, with the aspects of job and income more or less a certainty.


Expect unlimited moneymaking opportunities that will keep coming at you. Do, however, be humble if you make a big profit.

Depending on how much pre-existing water you have in your birth chart, you’ll either spend money on your relatives and close friends, or earn more income.


Rejoice singles cows, for it’s a good time to look for an ideal companion this piggy year. Attend more social activities, and you will find your compatible match.

If you’re already attached, you will have a sweet, loving relationship. You might even consider getting engaged.

If you’re married, your relationship’s blessed. Things should stay harmonious and romantic for your romantic life, though I still don’t think you should test waters by asking her to make you a sandwich after coming back from work.


Watch out for your kidneys, bladder and urinary system, with the gastrointestinal and digestive system also core aspects. Enjoy outdoor activities like jogging and fruit-picking to increase your sunshine levels. These will ultimately help boost your health.

General Fortune:

With a vigorous, energetic and earnest spirit, your productivity will increase, your profit will increase and your achievement will be praised.

Rating: 7/10

Tiger (2010, 1998…)

Image: Artisticco /

Bold, resolute, unyielding, dictatorial, arbitrary, ambitious and full of self-confidence, tigers have a domineering temper and authoritative air that will make you think twice about approaching one, human or non-human.

But how would it square up against the indomitable… pig? Let’s find out.


Big career achievements might have to wait until next year, with Tigers finding it hard to focus on businesses during 2019.


Wealth’s kind of a scarce factor in the year of the Pig, and investments have to be done really careful or diligently, or risk being gone altogether.


If you’re single, you’ll need more time to find your ideal companion. Your relationship with people, however, is good, and your social activities will increase. Close, romantic relationships are however hard to come by. Tip: hang out with more people born in the year of the Horse, to maximize the chances of finding the one.

If you’re in love, try to prioritise your relationship. Spend more romantic time with your lover to deepen the relationship. If you’re married, don’t invest so much time and effort in social events and instead reserve ample time for the spouse. Express your respect and appreciation, or go on a romantic trip.


Watch out for the gastrointestinal and digestive systems, and go with more outdoor activities.

General Fortune:

Expect caring and love this year of the Pig, although your work schedule might face disappointments. Sunshine could bring you positive energy, as well as good fortune.

Rating: 4/10

Rabbit (2011, 1999…)

Image: Artisticco /

Known as the docile ones of the group, Rabbits have gentle personalities and hard-working attitudes. After all, just look at any rabbit: it’s always cuteness overload-ed-ed-ed.

But how will they square up against the pinkish… pig?


If you’re looking for a major breakthrough in career development, you might need to wait a little longer, for the year of the Pig will not be kind to their prospects. The job itself, however, will not give you any pressure.

Your parents, elder, seniors or your mentors will help your career development and look for possible opportunities for you, and if there are any problems or trouble at work, someone will show up to guide you.

Remember to network with same-gen friends and peers, and if someone offers you a great position in a different city, you might do well not to reject straight off the bat.


If you’re looking for prosperity, you will have to ask for help because 2019 won’t be a wealthy one for you. Incidentally, people born in the year of the Snake will be good advisors of money management to you and can bring you good luck and money.


If you’re single and looking for Ms/Mr Right, I regret to inform you that you might need to take a while in that aspect. And beware of the elderly, who might try to introduce you to a potential partner. If it’s your type, cool. But if it’s not, well… just show them your Tinder matches or something.

If you’re in love, your partner will probably focus on the relationship and spend more time with you, which leads to harmony in the relationship. Should you be married, your spouse will devote more time to the marriage. Try to treasure the relationship by expressing your appreciation.


Take on more activities under the sun and you should do just fine. Though to be safe, keep track of your kidneys, bladder and urinary system.

General Fortune:

Expect a leisurely year in which you might need independence, self-improvement, self-confidence and your own network relationship in order to see great achievements. In short, try not to slack too much.

Rating: 5/10

Dragon (2012, 2000…)

Image: Artisticco /

Described as mysterious, emotional, energetic, majestic and intelligent creatures, Dragons are mystically prestigious in their own right, and it’s no wonder people try so hard to conceive in the year of the Dragon. Though it does lead you to wonder…

Who will win in a fight; dragon or the almighty piggy boo boo?


If you’re a Dragon, rejoice for the stars have foretold of good career opportunities and income in the year of the Pig. But before you start doing some kind of ‘Dragon Dance’, beware, for your job pressure will increase too. Though judging by your draconic wisdom, you’ll surely be able to cope with it.


As mentioned above, you will have good fortune in the wealth department this 2019. However, take care not to be too greedy, for it might lead to the opposite effect.

If you’re not very familiar with money management, request people born in the year of the Horse to join your investment. With Horses in your stable, money will roll in like dimes.


If you’re single, this might just be your year. Pluck up more courage to attend more social activities, and your ideal companion might turn up in front of you any second.

If you’re attached, your lover might get a little… clingy. So watch out for the lack of freedom there folks. If you’re married, your spouse will display more care and concern about the living quality of your marriage. Try to express your appreciation for the relationship, and you could perhaps even plan for a romantic trip.


With 2019 being a busy career-oriented year for Dragons, you will have to take care not to neglect your physical health. Opt for sunshine-related activities, because if you haven’t noticed the year of the Pig seems to be all about sunshine. It’s not that hard to achieve that in sunny Singapore after all.

General Fortune:

With an influx of money opportunities, the eggs are in your basket. Make an effort to carefully invest your money, avoid risky investments and avoid money disputes & infamous reputation.

Rating: 7/10

Snake (2013, 2001…)

Image: Artisticco /

With their legless and forked tongue features, serpentine movement and relation to He Who Must Not Be Named, snakes are normally regarded as dishonest and sly with a tendency to beat around the bush. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Shy in nature, Snakes are described as selfless, cordial, ambitious and righteous.

“So what happens in the Snake vs Pig fight?” Voldemort asked.

That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.


For Snakes, unlimited career opportunities might be a possibility. Though at the same time, you should also beware of work pressure because the Snake and Pig aren’t that slick together.

Also, you can look forward to education and training opportunities at work, as well as knowledge and experiences from the environment you’re in.

It’s a great year to improve your success opportunities, my friend.


Unfortunately, while your career prospects are soaring high, your financial prospects aren’t exactly tipped to do anywhere as well.

Snakes are expected to lose their vision in money management during 2019, and thus should switch to conservative items when doing investments to keep safe. Because your career prospects are fine, however, your income should be a steady flow.


Single female Snakes, perk up, for this might be your year to get that Mr Right. On the other hand, for single male Snakes… aiya wait so long already can afford to wait some more one year la hahahaha.

If you don’t feel comfortable in public, try getting a Horse to accompany you. Horses (not the animals, don’t bring a horse into the club and do Gangnam style) can bring a harmonious atmosphere during whichever social activity you do.

If you’re an attached male Snake, you should patiently accompany your lover and avoid quarrels. If you’re an attached female Snake, your love relationship’s pretty solid, and you can even try to get closer. If you’re married, you and your spouse should respect each other, maintain cordial relationship and share family housework (WTF!?!?!).


With great job pressure, comes not so great health. As a result, make sure to stay alert while driving, go outside (especially when it’s sunny) more often and try to get more fresh air and keep your body healthy.

General Fortune:

Because Pigs aren’t exactly your best friend, you shouldn’t expect the best outcomes in their year. Use your wisdom to find solutions, or seek help from people born in the year of the Horse.

Rating: 5/10

Horse (2014, 2002…)

Horses on the field might be stoic, obedient creatures, but horses off the field might be a little different. With proactive, passionate, talented and articulate personalities, Horses are great people to be with, especially this pig year.

But how do they neigh against the squeal of pigs? Let’s find out.


Like Snakes, you can expect unlimited job opportunities this zhu nian. With an enhanced focus on your career development, your job will get busy and you’ll have more responsibility for your job position.

If you encounter troubles at work, someone will come to guide you. The more job pressure there is, the more ‘energy’ that comes to support you.


With good career prospects this year, Horses can look forward to a stable job and good fixed income. As long as you diligently work for your goal, you will acquire a decent income.


If you’re single, this is a good year to get laid find your true love. Unfortunately, this notion applies more to single ladies, as single Horses will need more time to find the one. Job-related networking opportunities will, however, benefit the single male Horses.

Should you already be in love, you and your lover will be a happy and affectionate couple this year, and might even consider engagement. If you’re married, your married life will be happy, romantic and sweet, and you’ll feel like you’re falling in love again.


You’ll take good care of yourself this year, with 2019 signalling an excellent year for your health.

General Fortune:

In the year of the Pig, you can expect good people and loving relationships. With diligent hard work riding on the crest of success, you can expect a prosperous year.

Rating: 9/10

Sheep (2015, 2003…)

Image: Artisticco /

As their field counterparts insinuate, people born in the year of the Sheep tend to be more timid, shy, kind, patient and endurable, with supple, peaceful and generally less assertive personalities.

How do they measure up against their obnoxious pig counterparts though? Let’s oink out!


Expect good career, job and income opportunities this 2019. If you’re a dedicated worker, the year of the Pig will bring you a prosperous life.


Rejoice my dear Sheep, for 2019 will be a year of unlimited moneymaking opportunities for you. However, you will encounter trouble if you can’t handle the influx of it all.

Take care to manage your wealth carefully, for losing your mind in front of money might draw a bad reputation… or even a lawsuit.


If you’re single, this is a good time to find your true love. As long as you’re sincerely and energetically pursuing love, you’ll find your ideal companion. So don’t say bo jio ah!

If you’re in love, you will enjoy a harmonious and sweet relationship. Engagement might even be a thought during 2019!

If you’re married, your love relationship’s blessed. You should have a faithful, steadfast, happy and adorable marriage life, and you’ll feel like you fell in love again. Perhaps you could consider a romantic getaway too?


With good wealth and career prospects this year, you should enjoy a good mood and good health this 2019. Sunshine-related activities are a good idea too.

General Fortune:

Revel in unlimited moneymaking opportunities, though take care not to be too greedy. Not unless you want a lawsuit anyway.

Rating: 8/10

Monkey (2016, 2004…)

Image: Artisticco /

Easily prone to anger? You might just be a Monkey. Indeed, monkeys are described as active, aggressive, energetic, impatient, irritable, impulsive and naughty.

But how do they match up against their ‘guai’ counterparts, the schoolboy/girl pigs? Let’s find out.


If you’re looking for big career changes, you might want to wait for 2020, as chances of job promotion aren’t very high.

However, you will probably work hard for your money, and there will be opportunities to show off your abilities and talents.

Also, it’s a good time for learning, training and educating of job skills. To learn something new and prepare for future opportunities will also be a good approach to your career development.


Be happy my dear Monkeys, for the year of the Pig will be a wealthy one for you. However, you’ll need to create your own moneymaking opportunities, using sheer talent, imagination, creativity and hard work.

Which I’m sure Monkeys have in abundance, so no sweat.

Try to be more industrious and diligent about it, as they will have pretty good money luck. Lazy people? Not so much. Also, risky investments might cause a money loss too.


If you’re a single female Monkey, true love might be a little more fleeting than you wish. Though if you have always wanted to be a cool girl, you can try your luck with younger gentlemen, as they might be good matches.

If you’re a single male Monkey, you’ll have a good chance to meet your companion. Attend more social events, care about peoples’ activities, express your concern and soon you’ll find your ideal girl. Or just go Tinder.

If you’re in love, you need to express more care for your lover. Don’t rush to get married, and instead focus on building up your relationship. If you’re married, you will probably do well to focus on your family financial status.


Prepare, for 2019 might be a taxing year for you. Try not to get too tired out, and stay warm and dry with activities under sunshine (yes, it’s all about sunshine and this article isn’t sponsored by a bread company).

General Fortune:

Keep a low profile with modest behaviour and humble attitude, and you should be just fine. Financial investment should be conservative and prudent, and you should constantly adopt lucrative skills and wait for the next best opportunity.

Rating: 6/10

Chicken (2017, 2005…)

Image: Artisticco /

Chickens might be known for primarily two things: rearing eggs and being in the slaughterhouse, but their off-field counterparts aren’t really the same. Perceived to be thoughtful, talented, romantic and pretty, Chickens pursue perfection and don’t have big ambitions.

But how do Chickens fare in the year of the Pig? Let’s dig out the juicy bits.


Unfortunately, career prospects won’t be the highlight of 2019 for you guys, as a lack of focus on career development will stagnate your career prospects. But don’t cry just yet, for you can approach mentors or colleagues born in the year of the Horse to help you out. Horses are your guardian angels in career prospect this 2019, my friend.


Expect good moneymaking opportunities this year of the Pig, though you might have to intelligently express your idea and show your talents to people in order to attain extra income.

However, do remember to manage your investments carefully.


If you’re a single female, true love might need to take a while. However, younger boyfriends might be worth a shot.

If you’re a single male, heads up, for you have good chances of meeting your girlfriend. Attend more social events, be sincere and energetic about looking for love and you will surely find your ideal lady.

If you’re in love, you should make an effort to learn more about your partner’s current interests and hobbies. Also, try inspiring him/her with your positive attitude, joyful feelings and actions. If you’re married, you and your spouse need a more delightful, devoting and sweet marriage life.


Remember to get some fresh air from time to time, and enjoy more outdoor activities under the sun. Pay attention to your kidneys, bladders and stones in the urinary system.

General Fortune:

Incorporate quick decision-making skills into business ventures, and avoid doubt, uncertainty, sluggishness and slow response for they will cause money loss.

Rating: 6/10

Dog (2019, 2006…)

Image: Artisticco /

Like their off-field counterparts, people born in the year of the Dog are loyal and brave, with a strong sense of responsibility.


For the year 2019, the Golden Retrievers can expect good career opportunities. Though if you find yourselves having trouble with Pigs, you can try roping in a Horse. Horse brings a harmonic and energetic spirit to the team, and together the three signs can become a great workforce.


Look forward to lots of moneymaking opportunities, though you will undoubtedly miss out on some. Financial management wise, it might be wise to approach financial experts.


If you’re single, this is a good year for romance. With prospective opportunities waiting for you, all you have to do is attend more social activities and you might just leave one with another person.

Also, you’ll be more likely to meet sincere friends at outdoor events under the sun. Don’t miss the opportunity. If you don’t feel comfortable, just get a Horse along for the ride. Horses make a harmonious atmosphere during social events.

If you’re in love, you and your lover will often meet together and will form a happy and affectionate couple during the year. If you’re married, you should express your appreciation for a caring, romantic and sweet marriage life.


This is gonna depend on your liking for exercise, for 2019 is full of things.

One of them being a lazy kind of year for you.

Indeed, you’ll feel lazy to exercise, and have many excuses not to. Nevertheless, do try to do more outdoor exercises whenever you have the ‘motivation’, and pay heed to your kidneys, bladder and urinary system.

Well, guys might not have such an issue since they’ll need to do IPPT #justsaying

General Fortune:

With unlimited money opportunities, it could just be a fruitful year for the Dogs. Though if there’s a reminder:

You just have to find a way to keep it.

Rating: 8/10 

Pig (2019, 2007…)

Image: Artisticco /

At long last, we come to the star of the show itself:

The Pig.

So what does the year of 2019 hold for our megastar over here, you wonder? Well, without further ado…

Let’s get the piggy show on the road.


Career wise, well, let’s just say that it’s not gonna take off just yet. As it is, you’re concentrated on exchanging and discussing new ideas with your partners; and don’t really care about your career development at the moment. In fact, you more likely than not to enjoy the current working environment. As such, your career opportunity is okay, but you won’t have too many career changes in the near future.

That being said, you’ll meet more business partners or competitors this 2019. If your current job is kinda busy, you will receive help or guidance. If it’s too light, you’ll need to watch out for your position.

Own a business and dismayed to see it slowing down? Don’t expand your business just yet.


Unfortunately, you won’t have too many significant moneymaking opportunities during this time, and you’ll need extra energy and time to earn extra income.

Carefully invest your money, and ask people born in the year of the Horse to assist with your money management.


For single Pigs out there, 2019 might not be the year you get a significant other. Nevertheless, you can try your luck on people born in the year of the Horse, or Tiger.

If you’re in love, prioritise your relationship. Make some effort to romanticise your lover, or risk someone getting into your relationship.

If you’re married, you’ll need to reserve ample time for the family, to avoid quarrels at home.


Disappointment, self-condemnation and negative thinking might swamp you, and it’ll take good ol’ exercise and meditation to bring back the positivity.

General Fortune:

It might be the year of the Pig, but from the looks of it Pigs aren’t exactly gonna flourish. Carefully deal with personal relationships, and diligently manage your financial investments. As long as you do so, it should be an alright 2019.

Rating: 3/10 (what an irony)

And with that in mind…

Remember that fortunes are literal…

And your destiny lies in your hands.

So instead of leaving it to a couple of sentenced chunks, go for it yourself.

Image: Reddit

I believe in you – Aunt Matilda 2019