Hong Kong’s Latest Flat is The Size of a Parking Lot & Costs Almost SGD$500,000

Now, because information is what drives our readership here at Goody Feed, let’s take a look at this very informative BTO chart on flat size.

That and also because we are funny and entertaining right?

Image: hdb.gov.sg

Ranging from the very huge executive flats at 130 SQM to the more modest 36 – 45 SQM for a 2 – room flexi unit, these living spaces spell home for over 80% of Singaporeans.

The starting price range for the latest November 2018 BTO launch range from SGD$101, 000 to SGD$472,000, and consists of a mix of developments from both non-mature and mature estates.

Image: hdb.gov.sg

Having established the approximate price-points and sizes for our local public housing, lets now move on to the heart of this article’s matter; the latest flat launch in Hong Kong.

Size doesn’t matter or does it?

According to World of Buzz, the tiniest nano-flat in Hong Kong, known as T-Plus, was unveiled in November 2018.

The smallest of its flats goes for around SGD$494,000 and it’s roughly about 128-

“Square metres right?” interrupted my editor BH, who happens to be doing his best impression of a paparazzi prying into my affairs and article.

“Uhhh, it’s actually 128 square foot or 11.89 square metres.”


Image: Giphy

So, the T-Plus’ smallest available flat option at 11.89 SQM (approximately the size of a Hong Kong parking lot) is about 1/3 – 1/4 of the size of a 2-room Flexi BTO unit but comes at roughly about 5 TIMES the price of one one.

And that doesn’t even include grants which push the 2-room Flexi units starting price down to about SGD$21 000 which makes the T-Plus units roughly about 25 TIMES the price.

Visually speaking it’s this:

Image: My awesome Google Doc skills

Now, process your heart out.

Images of the T-Plus unit

What are words and numbers without fitting images and video?


In this short 2 minutes-odd video on Chinapress.com.my, the establishing shot literally establishes the whole of the 128 square feet unit.

Image: Chinapress.com.my

After a slight pan, the anchor even quips “no more?”

Image: Chinapress.com.my

And adds that the entire unit can be crossed in 5 steps.

Image: Chinapress.com.my

The anchor, stepping into the toilet then wisecracks “the toilet is rendered complete in 4 tiles.”

Image: Chinapress.com.my

Lest you are worried that the unit doesn’t come with a fridge, dining table and storage space, this T-Plus unit’s got you covered with a contraption that wields all of them into one.

Image: Chinapress.com.my

Because scarcity drives ingenuity right?

If you are keen, here’s the entire video for you to watch your heart out.

Well, at least it’s better than sleeping in a jungle, no?