Hotel Guests in Thai Spent a Night Without Knowing There’s a Hidden Corpse

Last Updated on 2017-07-12 , 11:42 am

As we already know, Singaporeans are big fans of visiting Thailand. It’s extremely common to run into your Singaporean relative or fellow friend on your trip to Bangkok or Phuket.

One of the hot spots in Thailand that tons of tourists flock to would include Pattaya, which is known for its sandy beaches and beautiful sea.

But it’s not that way for some. Some hotel guests realised that there’s a hidden corpse in their room after they’ve spent a night in it. 

A Thai couple spent the night in the room with a corpse

This almost sounds like a legit Thai horror film. A Thai couple had checked in at this Thai seaside resort before the ‘discovery’ was made. They complained about the smell but stayed the night anyway. 

Hotel staff found the body during their cleaning rounds

One of the hotel cleaners also noticed the stench along with some blood by the bed on the following day during cleaning. The cleaner had tried to search for the source to no avail. It was only discovered when hotel staff searched the room and found the corpse under the mattress.

The cleaner had tried to search for the source to no avail. It was only discovered when hotel staff searched the room and found the corpse under the mattress.

The corpse was 28-year-old transgender woman

According to Bangkok Post, the corpse was identified as a transgender woman, 28-year-old Amphon Kongsong.

The police’s investigations revealed that she was killed and stuffed inside the bed frame. The Thai couple who previously stayed in the room were sleeping just above a dead body unknowingly.

She was murdered by two teenage boys

Two teenage boys, aged 17 and 14, reportedly admitted to murdering Amphon and were since arrested. 

The 17-year-old got to know Amphon through Facebook before he was convinced by her to look for a job in Pattaya. They checked in to the hotel with her help and spent a few nights with her.

However, a fight broke out between them when the 17-year-old boy rejected her advances. She was then strangled by the 17-year old while the 14-year old accomplice restrained her.

We honestly don’t know which is more frightening, the 28-year-old preying on an underage boy, or the fact that two young boys decided to kill her for that.

The next time you stay in a hotel with a pungent smell, remember to look under the bed.

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