Shocking: Restaurant owner tracked down customer and destroyed his door because of this

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 9:34 am

I’ve always wondered if anything would happen to the people who post nasty comments online. There’s been a couple of my pals who have pasted some pretty nasty remarks and tagged major hotels, merchandisers and restaurants.

I do know that it can know be traced back to you. Like a 100% for sure. Because that was what happened to this man, whose nightmare started when he decided to post a negative review on a business.

On a separate note, if you thought the Facebook incident of a Singapore business reacting to customers’ reviews was bad, you got to see the reaction of this business owner.

A week ago on a Tuesday, a man made a huge mistake by dropping a negative review on a restaurant he ate at in Sichuan, Chengdu.

The repercussions? The owner of the shop made it a point to search for the reviewer. He managed to trace the address of the man’s house and he took out his anger on the door.


You can release your breath now. Thank God there was no actual body injuries sustained in the attack. Only a poor beaten down door. Oh, and the ego of the owner of the restaurant’s too.

If you took a look at the pictures, you’d see that it’s not just minor scratches that’s been exacted on the door.


The handle was completely yanked off. YEP, now that takes a good deal of strength.

PLUS there were dents on the door too. Kind of like he had a go at it with a sharp object. It’s pretty scary when you think about it. I’m pretty sure that the owner meant to send a clear message to the reviewer: “don’t write bad things about my restaurant again, or else…”

So what did the guy actually write about on the restaurant that caused all the damages? Not really much, if you think about it

The man wrote on Netease that he ordered a bowl of noodles. He was definitely not going to do the same mistake a second time. The taste of the noodles presented to him was horrible.


He also commented on the setting of the restaurant itself, and wondered if the place had a hygiene permit to run itself.

To top it off, he took a picture of the lobby which didn’t seem to match the shop itself.


The reply from the shop owner says that they are a legitimate business and that they don’t cheat their customers out of their cash. He also added that it’s hard to cater to varying palates. The restaurateur also requested that the reviewer rewrite his review and correct it.

Hardly harmful when you think about it, but the reactions are pretty dire.

So my dear readers, always take a moment and think about the consequences of your posts before you hit the send button.