IKEA Now Has Mala Chicken Wings & Mala Chicken Legs with Spaghetti

What is IKEA? Here’s a multiple choice question.

  1. The only thing about Sweden most Singaporeans know about.
  2. A place to buy cheap shelves and jars.
  3. An elaborate maze designed to keep people in forever.
  4. A brand with a pronunciation that Singaporeans never can agree on.

Did you guess the correct answer?

The correct answer is 5) A place to eat meatballs and spaghetti.

IKEA knows this themselves, as they’re always seeking to up their menu’s game with new attractive dishes.

Mala Chicken Wings & Chicken Legs With Spaghetti

Perhaps you’re some kind of psychopath and IKEA meatballs weren’t your thing, but they’re here to entice you with more food.

Image: IKEA

As we all know, a love for all things Mala is compulsory for a Singaporean citizenship.

For those who love hot wings as well, this is basically a heaven-sent dish.

For just $9.50, you get six of these crispy yet juicy chicken wings for you, you and you.

Image: IKEA

If you’re looking for a more proper meal, IKEA’s got you covered with an entire Mala chicken leg coupled with their spaghetti and broccoli for just $9.

Image: IKEA

If you can’t take spice well, they also have BBQ pork ribs with fries for $12, which serves a half-rack of ribs coated in honeyed BBQ sauce.

Limited Time Only

There is pretty much always a crowd at every IKEA branch as Singaporeans are just basic af, but this is one you can’t wait too long on.

The mala chicken wings and BBQ pork ribs last only till 28 February 2021, while the mala chicken leg with spaghetti will only last till 7 February 2021.

In other words, the latest you should go is one week before Chinese New Year.

And lest you didn’t know, McDonald’s has just released its mala fries, and it’s probably the best fries ever. Read our review of the McDonald’s mala fries here.

Featured Image: IKEA