Indian National Employment Pass Holder Pleaded Guilty for Molesting Vietnamese Cleaner Outside the Female Toilet She Just Cleaned


We’ve heard of love stories that were simply not meant to be.

Unfortunately, this particular story contains none of that trademark romanticism, though it does harbour a large dose of one-sided obsession.

Indian National Employment Pass Holder Pleaded Guilty for Molesting Vietnamese Cleaner Outside the Female Toilet She Just Cleaned

According to TODAYonlinethe accused, 48, had met the victim, 21, on 2 March 2020.

He was an assistant operations manager, and one of the victim’s superiors. The victim was a cleaner who had just arrived in Singapore from Vietnam.

Apparently, he would regularly leave food in her locker, and send her caring text messages in Vietnamese – translated from English via online methods.

Sounds like the outskirts of a Korean drama? Unfortunately, that’s where the similarities end.

According to the news report, the accused, named Ezhilan, would volunteer to send her work schedule to her, despite it being work practice for her direct supervisor to do so.

He also left food in her locker – which she passed to her colleagues as she was unfamiliar with Ezhilan.

Ezhilan’s text messages, which included “I miss you a lot”, “I want to see you” and “I wish you yo [sic] be my girl”, were also ignored.

Instead, she only responded to work-related conversations.

But it seems that Ezhilan did not get the hint.


On 30 March 2020, Ezhilan decided to take matters into his own hands.

The victim was working overtime at a building in the one-north business park when she noticed Ezhilan standing in the immediate vicinity.

Apparently, he was checking on her progress.

Fearful, she decided to ditch the ground floor and clean the upper levels first, but caught sight of the accused heading towards the car park.

Relieved, she continued with her work on the ground floor, only to emerge and see Ezhilan waiting right outside the toilet.


It appears that someone has been viewing too many horror movies.

Flinching, the victim cursed in Vietnamese and tried to wave him away.

Instead of complying, Ezhilan leaned in and kissed the right side of her forehead. He then showed her a message in Vietnamese, asking her to take her time with her work.


The victim fled into the toilet and locked the cubicle door after her, before dialling her friend – another Vietnamese cleaner.

As she had only just arrived, she was unaware of how to reach out to the local police.


The victim then cried for half an hour in the toilet. She eventually informed her supervisors and agent of the events a few days later.

An internal investigation was subsequently conducted, and she was transferred to another worksite.

Ezhilan’s employment pass, on the other hand, was terminated.

A police report was lodged on 21 April 2020, and the Indian National was apprehended later that evening.


In court, Ezhilan pleaded guilty to one count of molestation and one count of possessing obscene videos.

Apparently, there were 50 questionable films on his phone.


Ezhilan was eventually sentenced to an imprisonment term of four weeks, as well as a fine of S$8,000.

For molestation, he could have faced an imprisonment term of up to two years or a fine or caning, or a combination amongst the three.

For the possession of obscene films, he could have faced an imprisonment term of up to six months, a fine of up to S$20,000, or a mixture of both.


Over the last couple of years, molestation offences have proven particularly prevalent.

Should you or anyone you know be facing such incidents, please seek assistance as soon as you can.


You can contact the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)’s Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) at 6779 0282, or email them at [email protected].

You can also call the police at 999, SMS them at 71999, or make a report for an investigation over here.

Featured Image: Andrey_Popov /