Innocent Guy ‘CSI-ed’ to be Rowdy Cyclist & The Company Has Responded

The Internet can be a good place. For example, the Internet brings us .gifs like this…

Image: Bow Chicka Meow Meow

…and this

Image: Giphy

And once in a while, you’ll read stories like how an elderly kept the price of her carrot cake at $2—no one would have known about her good deeds if not for the Internet.

But the internet also brings us stories that make our blood boil, like this video that’s gone extremely viral.

Needlessly to say, netizens went on to CSI the cyclist out, and with the Internet, the mob mentality would take over logical discussion, and so we’ve yet another innocent part being CSI-ed out.

Recap of What Happened

If you’re not one of the 1.8 million people who have seen the video, here’s a recap in a paragraph and three gifs.

Cyclist rode on the centre of a lane and lorry driver honked him twice. When the lorry driver tried to overtake, the cyclist smashed the lorry’s side mirror with his hand. Lorry then knocked down the cyclist who stood up immediately, though it’s not certain if the lorry driver had panicked and lost control or he did it deliberately.

Image: Facebook (
Image: Facebook (
Image: Facebook (

According to reports, the rowdy cyclist refused to be taken to the hospital, while the lorry driver drove off when the authorities arrived. The police are now investigating the “accident”.

Within hours when the video went viral, netizens started to do facial recognition with their naked eyes and unfortunately, the first hit was a miss.

Anyhowly Said It’s Someone from DDB Group Singapore

One netizen decided to think that there’s only one man in the world who wears a bicycle helmet and sunglasses, so he or she posted this in the video (I tried looking to it today but couldn’t find the comment anymore):

Obviously, we’ve mosaic-ed whatever is needed because here’s the kicker: he’s innocent.

However, with pent-up anger and social justice warriors on the Internet, you can bet that the damage was done within hours: his company received lots of 1-star reviews on Facebook.

The company then issued a statement: the first Facebook post they’ve made since September 2018.

So why do they claim it’s him when it’s not him?

Simple. Like what was mentioned, he just looks like him and is a cyclist.

However, according to a friend, this innocent guy just had a motorbike accident a few weeks back, and couldn’t have been the cyclist.

Netizens CSI-ed Out Another Person

Suffice to say, we’re not going to show anyone any unverified information, because despite all the evidence, it’s not 100% certain that this new person is the cyclist.

Last year, an innocent girl was unfortunately being CSI-ed for being the lady who bullied an elderly in a hawker centre at Toa Payoh. She has to make a police report after that, but what’s even more surprising is that some angry netizens were still blaming her.

Lesson here? It’s cool to sound like you love justice and are playing a part in social justice, but no one can be a judge, jury and executioner. It might not affect you but cyberbully can lead to unwanted consequences.

The justice system is created for a reason, so leave it to them.