Irresponsible Man Plays Out Soft Toy Uncle; Ordered 250 Soft Toys But Didn’t Turn Up

By now, you would have known who the ‘Soft Toy Uncle’ is. Else, you can also read more about it here.

Social media may have rallied people to help Uncle David, but that also resulted in incidents like these where people took this opportunity to play a prank on the poor guy. The uncle has been selling soft toys in Damansara Uptown to pay for his chemotherapy treatment and his son’s education.


These profits are often just enough for him to get by. And now, the uncle is stuck with hordes of soft toys that he used his hard-earned money to pay because somebody decided to back out at the last minute.

A user commented, “Please help this uncle, an asshole ordered 250 Pokemon from this uncle but never turn up to collect. Now, Uncle David’s hard earned money is stuck with the stock. Please share and help out this poor Uncle David.”

Thankfully, the original post has since garnered quite a resounding response on the Facebook post.

Some netizens were outraged at the irresponsible man’s actions.

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Some who have completely lost faith in humanity.


While others who are trying to find out where the Uncle is selling the toys so they can extend their help in buying them.

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So for those who are keen in lending a hand to Uncle David, you can drop by Damansara Uptown’s HSBC, KL, Malaysia bank at 11am onwards.

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This article was first published on