Woman Wins Jackpot Prize of RM16.3 Million After Dreaming of Numbers Repeatedly


If you were to ask someone if you could ever hit the jackpot, you’re likely to hear them answer, “in your dreams”. After all, winning millions of dollars in an oversaturated sea of tickets is basically impossible.

But maybe that advice might be earnest—this woman in Malaysia just won a jackpot prize of RM 16.3 million, or SGD 4.9 million, after having recurrent dreams of the lucky numbers.

So, maybe everyone’s advice was right all along, and the answer is actually in your dreams.

How She Struck Gold

The winner, a 54-year-old Malaysian business owner, decided to buy a System Bet-8 in the Magnum 4D Jackpot, because she had been seeing the same recurring combination of numbers in her sleep.

The lucky number, 5785, apparently “kept showing up” in her dreams, spurring her to dance with Lady Luck and purchase a lottery ticket.

This was far from the norm for her—usually, she would purchase tickets to the Magnum Classic 4D game instead, but this time, the Magnum 4D Jackpot amount was significantly higher, so she set her sights on that prize instead.

But the dreams are just one aspect of it—while driving to visit her relatives, she also kept seeing vehicles with the same number, 3887, on their registration plates.

When she later stopped to buy fruits for her relatives, she found a Magnum 4D outlet next door. Though she initially had no intention of purchasing a ticket there, her instincts compelled her to go in like some overpowered sixth sense. 

There, she purchased the System Bet-8, which allowed her to pick eight sets of numbers, increasing her chances of winning.

Of course, she picked the number that showed up in her dreams, 5785, and one she saw on the road, 3887.

Results Of The Draw

The woman watched the draw results live on the Magnum 4D website, calling the experience “exciting”.

When the number 3887 was displayed, she apparently “couldn’t believe her eyes” and was stunned further when the number 5785 was also revealed.

In disbelief, she urged her son to scan her ticket with the MyMagnum 4D app to verify her win, and found that it was, indeed, real.

Calling the win a “dream come true”, she expressed that she had been too excited to sleep at all, after her “life changed overnight”. 

She plans to use the money to buy her family their dream home, after years of renting, and take them on a long-deserved vacation. She also expressed that she would donate some of her winnings to charity.

In a statement announcing her win, the woman revealed that as a business shop owner, she had to work seven days a week, which left her no time to spend with her family, and she had not gone on holiday in years.


However, winning the hefty sum allowed her to take a break and finally relax.

A Sixth Sense or Hindsight Bias?

Although her experience sounds borderline supernatural, this may not actually be the case. In fact, the dreams she adamantly recalls may be a result of a psychological phenomenon called hindsight bias, better known in Chinese as “事后诸葛亮”.

So, what exactly is hindsight bias? This phenomenon, a type of confirmation bias, occurs when people convince themselves they accurately predicted the outcome of an event only after it is revealed. 

When new information about an event is revealed, it changes how an experience is recalled, leading to people possibly selectively remembering only the information that confirms this outcome, therefore thinking that they actually predicted it. In her case, this bias lies in her recollection of her dreams and the car plate numbers, and her confidence afterwards that she had “foreseen” those numbers all along.

Surprise also plays a role in this phenomenon, with researchers saying that it magnifies hindsight bias by enhancing the recall of information congruent with the surprise—it is no doubt that winning the lottery is probably the surprise of a lifetime.


Nevertheless, the woman is still incredibly fortunate for guessing two combinations of numbers perfectly. And, who knows? She could’ve really, truly, known it all along—fate works in interesting ways, after all.