JJ Lin Suddenly Appeared in MBS Café to Serve Free Coffee for an Hour for National Day

Finally, after all the chaos that came with July, the National Day Holiday seems like the perfect time for Singaporeans to unwind and enjoy the rest of the summer.

While JJ Lin hasn’t dropped any new songs for NDP this year, it turns out that everyone’s favourite Mandopop star had a different treat in store.

In fact, he made a surprise appearance at the Marina Bay Sands branch of his pop-up business, Miracle Coffee. Just in time to greet fans and celebrate Singapore’s 58th birthday.

In Case You Missed It: Miracle Coffee Released A Free Pour-Over Coffee Event for National Day.

People are no strangers to free lobangs that pop up during the National Day Holiday.

Deciding to ride the festive wave, Miracle Coffee released an Instagram post on 9 August.

 Miracle Coffee’s post announced a special giveaway at its Marina Bay Sands and Art Science Museum branches. From 1 pm to 2 pm, an hour of free pour-over coffee would be available for customers.

For those who don’t regularly drink coffee, pour-over coffee is a process where boiling water is poured over dry coffee grounds in a way similar to drip coffee. This method allows the coffee maker to exert more control over the coffee’s texture, temperature and taste.

JJ Takes Over The Stall As Everyone’s Friendly Neighbourhood Barista

While free coffee might give a much-needed kick to start anyone’s day, the real kicker was definitely JJ Lin’s surprise appearance behind the counter.

Decked in a festive red-and-white flannel jacket, the singer brewed up a storm among eager customers as he whipped up some pour-over coffee for his guests.

In an Instagram Live posted on his account, JJ was also seen (very professionally) taking a whiff of some coffee grinds before setting up the cups for coffee brewing.


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Jokingly, he introduced himself in the video as “everybody’s favourite barista” before promoting Miracle Coffee’s coffee giveaway. That self-proclaimed title might not be too far-fetched as JJ is seen skillfully preparing the first drink of the day for a very lucky customer.

For the rest of the hour-long event, JJ continued to serve freshly-brewed coffee to a crowd of eagerly-awaiting customers while occasionally receiving assistance from Miracle Coffee staff.

When the inevitable end of the event arrived, the singer wished everyone a happy national day and waved goodbye to his fans.

On his Instagram post, numerous comments in both English and Chinese wished JJ a happy national day and thanked him for his hard work as a barista. Some envious overseas fans have also asked him to open Miracle Coffee branches in their own countries.

JJ Lin Has Worked Behind Miracle Coffee’s Counter Before

This is not the first time JJ Lin has manned a counter at Miracle Coffee. In fact, he may have more experience than you think.

Back in 30 September 2022, a hundred-strong crowd queued outside Art Science Museum’s Miracle Coffee branch for a taste of the singer’s hand-crafted coffee as it opened its doors for the first time. Unlike the limited-one hour event, the queue that day lasted for about six hours, showing the dedication of local fans.

I wonder what the response would be like if he opens a Soybean Milk and You Tiao stall next.

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