Everything About the Scheme Whereby Singles Can Rent HDB Flats to be Matched With a Flatmate by HDB

Are you of the age whereby you want to avoid your parents’ nagging but don’t want to buy a flat just yet? I guess it is time to rent a flat.

The most logical and cost-effective way is to rent a flat by HDB but to do that, you have to have single friends or know people who are willing to be your roommate. And from how you’re giving a disgusted face while reading this line, I can tell you know no one.

As a lonely soul who believed in speaking to cats more than humans, this may be the hardest obstacle one has to face.

However, with the latest amendment in the scheme, people like us can get a place without having to find a roommate ourselves.

Everything About the Scheme Whereby Singles Can Rent HDB Flats to be Matched With a Flatmate by HDB

From 17 Dec onwards, singles can apply for a public rental flat without searching for a flatmate. Instead, they will be paired up with a suitable flatmate by HDB.

These singles will be paired up according to their gender, age, ethnicity, living habits and so on. So you don’t need to worry about being paired up with a 70-year-old tikopek if you are a 35-year-old xiao mei mei.

This new scheme is part of the pilot model, Joint Singles Scheme Operator-Run (JSS-OR) model. It acts as an “alternative” model of the current scheme.

Since it is an extension of the current scheme, the eligibility conditions are the same as the current Joint Singles Scheme:

  • Unmarried and at least 35 years old
  • Legally separated from the spouse with legal documents or divorced. Has to be at least 35 years old as well
  • At least 21 years old but you are either orphaned or widowed

All of the occupants have to be Singaporean and single.

Pilot Run at Two Blocks

The pilot will run at two blocks for three years:

  • Block 429A Bedok North Road
  • Block 999A Buangkok Crescent

About 270 tenants will be housed in various one- and two-room flats. “A few storeys” have also been set aside for the pilot. In the flats, there will also be partitions installed so that tenants will have more privacy.

General household furnishings and appliances like wardrobes, water heater, washing machine and refrigerator will also be provided in each flat.

Tenants will be required to pay their share of services and conservancy charges and utilities. Their rent will be between S$13 to S$102.50 depending on their monthly income and whether they are first or second-time applicants.

The JSS OR model is currently open to new applicants only.

The first batch of tenants will move in by the end of next month. The third site at Bukit Batok will be called in next year.

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