Jupiter, The Moon And Saturn Line Up Neatly For S’poreans To View Until 19 June


Want to see something out of this world? Literally?

Then look up to the night sky over the next six days to see celestial bodies fall in like SAF recruits at their POP parade.

Science Centre Announcement

On 13 June 2019, the Science Centre said that Jupiter, Saturn and the moon will line up neatly for the next six days.

Which, since we’re always late to this kind of cool stuff, we’re left with two more days. But that’s alright, the cool kids are always late. 

And the best part? You don’t need any fancy telescope or binoculars to view the phenomenon.

You can see it with your naked eye.

Image: onehallyu.com

So when can you catch it? After 11 pm, they said.

But, There’s A Catch

Isn’t there always?

It depends on the weather conditions of the day.

If you’re blocked by another HDB or the sky is cloudy, you can kiss your celestial bodies goodbye.

Stargazing in S’pore

You’ve probably thought that in order to stargaze, Singapore isn’t the best choice. After all, we’re a sprawling mess of skyscrapers, smog and rain.

But believe it or not, Singapore is a pretty good place to catch the stars.

Or Counting Stars, as OneRepublic would say.

From Singapore, you’re able to view constellations like the Southern Cross and Big Dipper.

So Where To Catch Them?

Experts reckoned you should find a spot where there’s not much light and cover from the sky.

Neighbourhood parks, it was mentioned, are great spots for stargazing.


Do try to avoid Xiao Guilin, though, because that place has seen several monstrous crimes committed.

On The Other End Of The Spectrum

Say you don’t like stars. Sun, however, you’d love to watch.

To be exact, you love to watch the Sun getting eaten up. Like during an eclipse.

Image: Giphy

The next big eclipse that can be viewed in Singapore would probably be happening on 26 December 2019.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Time to get that girl you’re crushing on to go with you to catch a view you’ll probably never forget.


And if it’s too cloudy to watch? Even better. You have a reason to ask her out again.

Just remember to bring some mosquito repellent out, eh?