KFC Also Reverting to Max of 2 Pax for Dine-in Regardless of Vaccination Status

Dining out at fast food establishments have always been an affair of getting together with your family, no matter to eat your meals or supper at in the middle of the night.

And maybe if you’re a parent whose child won’t stop bawling until you finally agree to take him to get some chicken and ice cream for lunch, your family would’ve spent more time there.

Sadly, with the rapidly rising COVID-19 community cases as of late, family time pigging out together at fast food establishments will have to be put off temporarily.

Yep, even if you’re all fully vaccinated.

KFC To Only Accept 2 Pax For Dine-In

KFC has announced on their official Facebook page the new restrictions that will be implemented in their restaurants islandwide.

Today, 19 July, is the day that the Ministry of Health’s new restrictions will be put in place, where dining-in will revert to a maximum of two people in a group and groups of five will only be allowed to dine-in together if all are fully vaccinated.

However, KFC said in their post that despite this special allowance for people who are fully vaccinated, they will only be accepting groups of two people to dine-in in their restaurants.

They reasoned that as their stores were mostly located in areas with higher traffic, they decided to take the more cautious route to maintain health and safety.

Such restrictions will last from 19 July to 8 August, following the ministry’s specified dates.

Of course, intermingling between various groups of two at the outlets won’t work as well, even if you’re all fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy their fried chicken with your family, for delivery and takeaway services are still available for you to enjoy it together at home.

They’re also not the only fast food restaurant chain to implement such measures – earlier, competitor McDonald’s also announced their intention to do the same.

Now we’ll see whose fried chicken will come out on top, huh?

If you already feel a weird feeling in your heart for not being able to enjoy crispy, hot chicken fresh out the fryer at physical fast food outlets because your family has more than two people in it, here’s some good news for you:

IKEA Will Still Allow 5 Pax

Yes, it’s everyone’s favourite meatball-and-chicken-wing-maker, IKEA!

Oh, and furniture maker, of course.

Image: Facebook (IKEA)

They announced on Facebook that they will be allowing groups of up to five people to dine-in at their restaurant outlets if fully vaccinated.

Vaccination statuses will be checked through the TraceTogether app before admitting groups of five into the restaurant.

Of course, groups of two people or less that are unvaccinated can also dine-in, but they will be located in separate areas to ensure maximum safety.

So there’s where you can get your hot fried chicken wings fix in larger groups.

Still, let’s be careful while satisfying our fast food cravings, so that we can enjoy meals out as a family as soon as possible too.

Featured Image: Sorbis/ shutterstock.com; Facebook (KFC)Â