Man Proposes to Girlfriend with a KFC Fried Chicken Bouquet

Yesterday was Valentine’s day so if you’re sad, single and love fried chicken, maybe don’t read this? Says the author who typed all this.

If you think an engagement ring is all there is to it, think again. You’ve seen creative proposals—think flash mobs, surprises on the beach, even skywriting.

But have you ever seen a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) bouquet?

Wow. *drools*

That’s exactly what Darren had in hand while proposing to his girlfriend Han Yan, a “die-hard KFC fan for 10 years”.

Imagine a more perfect proposal. No, you can’t.

According to KFC’s Facebook post, it seems that Darren had requested them for a fried chicken bouquet! *notes down meticulously*

He also noted that his girlfriend—or fiancée rather—has tried every KFC product! It’s no wonder he managed to snag her with the mouth-watering bouquet.

The post has garnered over 500 likes and 117 shares in a day.

Many users are also tagging their friends in the comments, giving them ideas for their proposal. Maybe we’ll be seeing KFC’s fried chicken bouquet as an actual product in the future?

Truly finger-lickin’ good (or…not in the current situation).

Not The First Time

Now, if this is your first time hearing about legitimate KFC bouquets, you’ll be surprised to know that it’s not a new thing.

In fact, back in 2017, it was already a thing. A limited-edition thing, granted.

And in 2019, a true Singapore love story about a couple and how they got married because of KFC made its way online.

They had a little spat and only got back together due to the power of the OG fried chicken.

In fact, both of them loved KFC so much they decided to snap their wedding photos at a KFC outlet, complete with a bouquet of KFC fried chicken.

KFC heard about it and, moved by their love story, sent them a bouquet of KFC fried chicken during their wedding anniversary.

Moral of the story? Rumours that buying food for a girlfriend/wife would pacify her when she’s angry are true after all

You can read the whole (super-cute) story here.

Feature Image: Facebook (KFC)