Kong Hee Fills Up Bottles With Olive Oil, Hands Them Out To Bless Everyone

Pastor Kong Hee never fails to dumbfound the nation again and again with his care and love for his church leaders. 

On 1st November, Kong Hee published a Facebook video about an incredible story regarding a bottle of olive oil. Not just any olive oil, people. Olive oil that he has painstakingly filled in each and every bottle to be handed out to church leaders and as he have epicly named “anointing oil”. 

Recently, I felt the Holy Spirit impressing upon my heart to give each of the leaders a bottle of the anointing oil.


And in the video, he explains the origin of the sudden revelation.

So as I was driving, I dropped Dayan off in school, I was driving back in the midst of heavy traffic and suddenly I thought, ‘you know what, why don’t we just get little bottles and just fill it up with olive oil, and give it to all our leaders…’


And that’s not all. 

The Bible says we should offer the prayer of faith for the sick and oppressed, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (James 5:14-15). We are for signs and wonders to the world. Let us step out powerfully in faith and believe God for supernatural encounters and miracles this week!


‘I want you to take this bottle of anointing oil, and the prayer of faith, and erase the sit… look, you know, if your home is going through a challenging time, anoint the situation at home, pray over those that are sick, that are going through challenges in their job.’

But what really takes the cake were the comments on the Facebook post.

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For those who are interested in watching the video, here you go. 

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com