3 Men Charged for Operating KTV Outlets During COVID-19 Period

Whisper the three letters “KTV” into the ear of any resident passing by on the street in Singapore and they will immediately combust into flames.

In addition to the Jurong Fishery Port cluster, the KTV cluster has compelled the authorities to tighten restrictions once again, so that we’re back to Phase 2 (Heightened Annoyance).

Those who visited the KTV lounges, whether to have a drink or for satayhave been chided by residents for flouting safe distancing rules.

Now, it seems that some of these outlets were already breaking the rules last year.

3 Men Caught Operating KTV Outlets During COVID-19 Period

Our story today involves three errant KTV operators, namely:

  1. Teo Guoshun, 35
  2. Ong Han Wei, 38
  3. Thor Chi Tiong, 51

Yes, one of them is named Thor. It seems Thor returned to Earth not to fight with the Avengers or retrieve Loki, but to operate a KTV outlet.

The only problem is that he did so without a licence.

The 51-year-old is accused of failing to keep two KTV joints closed to patrons last year.

In the first instance, on 4 Dec last year, Thor allegedly kept his premises on the fourth floor of Oxley Bizhub opened, and even supplied Martell alcohol and provided recorded music videos for patrons.

Two months earlier, he had failed to keep EBIO, another KTV joint, closed to the public. There too, he supplied alcohol and showed music videos.

What’s more, he was found to have employed a foreigner who allegedly did not have a valid work pass.

Teo is accused of committing a similar offence, as he operated an unlicensed KTV outlet at 83 Genting Lane, where he allegedly supplied alcohol to customers and provided the music on a KTV system.

As for Ong, it is believed that he worked with a co-operator to run an unlicensed KTV outlet on the 10th floor of Oxley BizHub at Tai Seng on 24 September last year.

All three men’s offences were eventually uncovered by the authorities, and they now have to face the music.

All 3 Men Charged; Could Face $20,000 Fine

Today (30 July), all three men were charged in court for their alleged offences.

Thor was handed:

  • two charges of providing public entertainment without a licence
  • two charges of supplying alcohol without a valid licence
  • one charge of employment of a foreign employee without a valid work pass
  • two charges of failing to keep premises closed

Both Ong and Teo face one charge each of providing public entertainment without a licence and failing to keep their premises closed.

Teo also faces a charge of supplying alcohol without a valid licence.

If guilty of providing public entertainment or supplying alcohol without a licence, the men could be fined S$20,000 for each offence.

As for Thor, if convicted of employing a foreign employee without a valid work pass, he could be jailed up to a year, fined between S$5,000 and S$30,000, or both.

Ong and Teo are expected to return to court on 14 Sep and plead guilty.

Thor will return to court on 17 Aug for a further court mention.

If you’re thinking of going KTV, don’t. Instead, think back on all the KTV singers you cannot stand:

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Featured Image: Robert Way/ shutterstock.com