‘Largest’ HDB Flat in Bukit Merah for Sale; Asking for $1.8 Million

Tell a person that an HDB flat can be sold for more than a million dollars in 2000, he would go, “You siao arh?”

Tell that to someone today and he’d go, “Oh, okay. Where? Bishan again?”

Tell someone that an HDB flat can be sold for 1.8 million, and he’ll go

Image: mothership.sg

HDB in Depot Road: Hold my beer.

HDB Flat(s) in Depot Road Asking for $1.8 million

If you’re one who’s looking to own a million-dollar HDB flat, this is no longer a pipe dream.

Image: propertyguru.com.sg

Yeah, I kid you not: it’s a $1.8 million HDB flat, though you can’t officially call it a million-dollar HDB flat yet as it hasn’t been sold.

Located at Depot Road (the area every male Singaporean who has been through NS would have passed by before), the 20-storey HDB flat has 76 units and is next to a shopping centre. However, it is not near any MRT station.

So what makes it so expensive?

Combined HDB Flat

The unit isn’t your typical 5-room flat or 4-room flat; instead, it’s a “9-room flat”, as it combined a 5-room flat with a 4-room flat.

Having said that, it has seven bedrooms, four toilets and two kitchens.

All in all, you’re looking at a whopping 2,500 sqft of space.

And the best-est part of it? There are two living rooms, so you can lepak at any one of them.

The flat’s currently 21 years old, so it’s not exactly new, though the agent mentioned that it has been newly renovated.

If this flat is sold, we’d be looking at the most expensive HDB ever, although it cheated a little by combining two flats lah.

Bukit Merah, The New Bishan

Now, should you feel that “Bukit Merah” and “million-dollar HDB flat” familiar, it’s because a flat was recently sold for $1.2 million in April this year…in Bukit Merah as well.

Before that, the record holder was a 5-room DBSS unit at Boon Keng Road in January this year and an HDB Terrace at Jalan Bahagia in September 2018, both of which were sold at $1.185 million.

And by the way, if you’re somehow interested in the $1.8 million flat, you can contact the agent here.