Latest iPhone Leaks Showed iPhone XI Might Have Triple Cameras to Take ‘3D Images’

What’s better than one camera?

Two perhaps?

The answer might be three if early leaks of the new 2019 iPhone slated for launch this September proves to be correct.

iPhone XI’s Triple-Camera Setup

News broke on 6 Jan via that the 2019 iPhone is to come with a revolutionary triple-camera setup.

Dubbed the iPhone XI (what a creative name), the leaked phone will be Apple’s 2019 flagship alongside with 2 other variants; a continuation of their tripartite-line launch similar to yester-years (most recently the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR).

Here are the leaked images:


According to,

“The leaked renders reveal a square camera unit housing three cameras aligned non-linearly. There are two cameras aligned vertically, similar to the iPhone XS. The render reveals there will be a third camera placed between the two, on the side. Above that is an LED flash and a microphone on the bottom.”

Now, if you are a techie (unlike me), you might find the three-camera concept slightly familiar.


Samsung launched its first triple-camera phone, the Galaxy A7 (2018) sometime in September last year, while Huawei just unveiled its own triple-camera phone, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro, which will be made available come the latter part of this year.


While Samsung’s camera setup one is placed vertically in a vertical camera housing unit, both Apple’s and Huawei’s ones are housed similarly in a square unit.

The only difference being the Apple’s triangular versus Huawei’s square camera setup.

Image: Giphy

Indeed, like what the wise man said, “Whatever Apple’s going to do, other companies have done it before. Apple just make the old technology sexy with a new name and strong adjectives.”

3 Cameras for 3D?

Indeed, all is good when there’s more.

More food, more money, more cameras.

But to what extent would the iPhone XI’s camera be used for?

The answer, according to this article by digitalcameraworld appears to be pointing in the direction of 3D.

According to digitalcameraworld:

“Apple made a huge deal out of AR Kit and the iPhone’s AR credentials when the iPhone X launched but it has gone a little quiet since then about the technology.

Adding in a new ToF (time of flight) sensor would mean that real-time room mapping would become a reality.”

Image: Giphy

These counts as 3D right?

In short, these cameras might be used for some kind of advanced 3D/AR-magic, which  “repercussions for security, gaming and augmented reality applications could be game-changing,” according to Forbes.

Image: Mashable

Never mind the Snorlax, my editor’s jaws just dropped because i quoted Forbes

Lest you get over-excited and start sharing with your friends that the triple-camera setup is a confirm-plus-chop thing, do note that the Phone XI is currently at the Engineering Validation Test (EVT) stage, which according to means that the design is not final.

This is after all, just Trashy Feed sharing a rumour from who was in turn sharing a leak from industrial insiders @Onleaks and @IceUniverse .

And by the way, these two comments appeared on @IceUniverse’s thread.

Image: Iceuniverse Twitter

Since more is good and two is one away from three comments.

#word#notfakenews #tri(Apple)an(Huawei)gle(Samsung)