Lee Jinglei Claims There Has Been Fake News In Her Legal Battle with Wang Leehom

It has been a couple of months since we’ve heard anything from Lee Jinglei or Wang Leehom, especially after they signed a confidentiality agreement in early January.

However, with allegations of Lee being guilty of contempt of court, her legal team has stepped up to label it as fake news.

Divorce Proceedings in New York

In case you’ve forgotten what was going on between Wang Leehom and Lee Jinglei, you can watch the videos below:

Basically, their divorce proceedings are underway in New York, and the custodial battle has been pretty fierce. (BTW, the case is in New York because their marriage was registered there.)

In fact, Wang’s team filed a motion against Lee for allegedly breaking their custody agreement back in February. You can read more about it here.

Everything has been pretty quiet since February… Until Chinese media started reporting in July that Lee was found guilty of contempt of court for not submitting evidence of Wang’s alleged infidelity.

A screenshot of the New York State Unified Court System site was also circulating on Chinese social media platform Weibo as proof of the claim:

Image: Weibo

However, Lee’s legal team quickly responded with a statement, saying that this was fake news.

They pointed out that the rumours of Lee being guilty of contempt of court, and of the granting of Wang’s application for enforcement of visitation rights, were all untrue.

“The reality is that the New York court rejected all of Wang’s requests and granted all of Lee’s.”

Her legal team also stated that someone with ulterior motives has been spreading these rumours through the media and paid commenters to manipulate public opinion. They also warned that by spreading fake news, the media is violating the law and negatively affecting Lee’s reputation.

They ended the statement by pledging to take legal action against anyone who continues to spread false rumours.

Image: Weibo (Lee Jinglei)

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Wang’s Management Declined to Comment

According to Lianhe Zaobao, when asked about this matter, Wang’s management has declined to comment.

They said that the court’s ruling isn’t made public yet, and that they will comply with the law and protect his children by not commenting.

Divorce cases can be settled quickly or drag out for a long time, but we might be in for the long haul for this one.

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Featured Image: Weibo (Lee Jinglei)