List of Features That Are Glaringly Missing From Threads

Threads. The latest social media platform to hit our Internet-obsessed shores and a direct rival to Elon Musk’s text-based machine Twitter.


And it has certainly done well. Within a few days of release, the Instagram sub-app had already accumulated over 30 million sign-ups, and that was a few days ago. 

Earlier today (10 July 2023), that figure officially became 100 million.

Geezus, no wonder Twitter wants to sue its ass off.

But I’m digressing; this is not so much of a politically-charged article but more of one that seeks to find the truth…

And the truth only.

List of Features That Are Glaringly Missing From Threads

Or at least the truth pertaining to a number of features that are glaringly missing from the app.

So if you’ve used Threads, you’ll realise that it’s pretty much a Twitter clone, minus many features we’ve long since taken for granted.


Yes, they’re missing from Threads’ database. Since hashtags help us filter through content, they’re a prominent miss.

An Explore Page

Yes, you can search for specific users. No, you can’t search for specific content.

A really nifty feature that has to be on social media platforms.

Inability to Edit

Made an unintentional typo in your thread? Well, you gotta suck it up.

Because there is no edit function.

Much to the chagrin of many perfectionists and overthinkers alike, I’m sure.

Direct Messages

You can tag others in your threads. But you can’t direct message your followers/following.

This is a bummer because everyone in your followers’ list can see your “Oh love you honey booboo muacks @powerpuffgirl46” now.

A “Following” Feed

Right now, you can see posts from literally anyone. We need an exclusive “following” feed so that we won’t spot the occasional poop joke.

A Full Web Version

Have you gone to the Threads web page? It’s really cool, with an entire galaxy of eggs to fiddle and spin around and a digital code to get the app. And, of course, there’s the desktop version.

But that’s all. You can only read. And there are just eggs. Tons and tons of eggs.

A Chronological Feed

Everything’s all over the place. We’ve posts that are minutes ago, hours ago and days ago all jumbled together in a non-chronological fashion.

We need some order in our lives.


So that our boss can earn money through Threads and give us all a hefty pay raise.

Inability to Delete a Threads Account

Want to delete your thread account? Well, you gotta delete your Instagram, too, while you’re at it.

You can deactivate your Thread account, though.

Updates Are Coming

Thankfully, updates are coming, so we can all stay addicted to Threads for a while more.

Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri has reportedly developed a list of features that may soon arrive, and they’re as follows:

Image: Threads (mosseri)

Editing posts. Yes, you can now rectify your 3 a.m. drunk post.

A following-only feed. Hurray for Kpop stans.

Chronological feed. We can now get our news in order.

Hashtags. #goodyfeedsg

Different accounts. You can switch to and fro without having to log out every time.

More search options.

Translation. You can soon interpret your best friend’s ramblings on Threads.

Only those you follow can reply.

Other features are being discussed or worked on, but those seem to be of lower priority. But for now, I guess we can be contented with the direction that Threads is heading in.

Twitter Saga

I doubt Twitter feels the same way, though.

Just days ago, it was unveiled that Twitter was, and is, considering legal action.

The reason? Abuse of trade secrets and other confidential information.

Twitter Attorney Alex Spiro has since demanded that Meta cease its utilisation of apparent secrets and confidential information immediately, or run the risk of paying civil remedies and injunctive relief.

Twitter owner Elon Musk has also added his two cents, stating, “competition is fine, cheating is not.”