M’sia Couple Got into S$12K Debt After Indulging in an Expensive Wedding


Weddings are always the bulk of the expenses when you’re getting married.

It’s so expensive that some of the younger generations are even thinking of not having a wedding dinner at all.

But for a Malaysian couple, they decided to do things the traditional way and even threw a grand wedding with over 1,000 guests.

They soon regretted it though.

Initially Wanted a Small Wedding

The bride actually wanted to hold a small wedding with around a hundred guests.

When she pitched the idea to her parents, they disagreed with the decision.

They wanted to invite around a thousand people as many of their relatives and friends would be offended if they weren’t invited.

They also wanted the wedding to be held at a hotel so that added on to the cost.

In order to afford that type of wedding, the bride’s parents advised them to take a personal loan.

And yes, the couple gave in and got a loan for $11,900 (RM40,000).

The bride felt that if they did not hold such an extravagant wedding, her parents would look down on her husband and think that he could not afford to take care of her.

While the wedding went well and made the parents happy, the aftermath was hell.

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Struggling to Repay Debts

The couple holds ordinary jobs—one being a government contract worker while the other being a clerk.

In order to make ends meet, the husband had to do GrabFood deliveries every night on top of his usual day job.

The wife also got into online dropshipping but the sales aren’t doing that well.

She regrets taking out the loan and she realised how much happier they would be if not for it.


Whenever her husband returns from all his work, all he does is sleep from exhaustion.

The moral of the story is—don’t let another person’s mindset influence you.

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Featured Image: gnohz / Shutterstock.com